MovieChat Forums > The Fugitive (1993) Discussion > What is your favorite part of 'The Fugit...

What is your favorite part of 'The Fugitive' (1993)?

I love the confrontation between Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones in the sewer.

Ford: "I didn't kill my wife."

Jones: "I don't care!"

... Justin




Yep, that's a phenomenal scene!

The whole prison sequence is phenomenal. So much tension.

And it's quick and tiny, but I love when Richard calls Gerard from the One Armed Man's house.


I almost made it but comesalilway stole mine! my fave part is when Kimble gets to be a dr. again and helps save the little kids life in the hospital. His face after they wheel the kid away is so priceless, gets me every time too!


Just Loved the whole movie. The parts in the 'Cook County Hospital' are classic.Also, I Loved how he tried to disguise himself and how he mentions his 25th Reunion, is also funny. LOL! Another cool scene was how he evades the police and Sam Gerard, and then dissapears in the St. Patricks day Parade.


I liked the chase scene where TLJ sees HF in the building after visiting the prisoner. How he tried to shoot him only to have the glass not break and then eventually HF mingling in the Saint Patrick's Day parade to avoid capture. Simple stuff but done really well.


Awesome scene.

Favorite part. Whole movie is so amazing this is tough. A few I really like:

1. "There's a man waving a gun and screaming" -- when I saw this at the movies, the whole theatre erupted in applause!

2. Kimble's phone call to Gerard - "And I just found a very big piece." Just always liked this little interaction between the two of them.

3. Kimble's interruption of Nichols' speech is pretty classic "Did you kill Lentz to?"


Awesome scene. There are so many great ones. I'm not sure I can pick a favorite.


The very end. At first the Marshall's office goal is to merely apprehend Kimble. But as the film progressed, they found themselves questioning his guilt.....then coming to the certain conclusion he was innocent. It came together nicely in the final scene(s). "Richard, I know you're innocent." It was the first time it was said and the first glimmer of real support and hope for Kimble. the Chicago PD wanted his head, the Marshalls went from being protectors. When he was escorted to the car, they surrounded him on each side from the media and the other law enforcement with itchy trigger fingers. They were rather polite in the manner they helped him into the car...and once secure..those cuffs came right off.

"Freedom and morality do not go hand in hand. In fact, they are usually devoid of one another."


When Tommy Lee Jones delivers that long speech after Richard jumped off the damn. He's walking down this sewer pipe on a steep incline with no hesitation, rattles off all this stuff about the search party, and at the end of it, with like no breath and a very scratchy voice, he shouts "HOW COME THEY HAVEN'T TURNED OFF THE WATER?"
