Fear of a Black Hat vs. cb4

Fear of a black hat is waaayyy funnier than cb4 but more people have seen cb4. Y? Any reasons besides Chris Rock?


This is the movie CB4 wishes it could be. CB4 can't seem to make up its mind wether or not it wants to be a mocumentary. This is really the rap version of Spinal Tap. Another thing it has over CB4 is that songs on this movie stand very well on there own without the movie. I have never been into rap but I played just the songs to a friend that was without telling him about the movie and he the songs. Fear of a Black Hat is way funny, it's always a blast to watch. N.W.H. rules over CB4 as a band!

"Mother Puss Bucket" ...Dr. Peter Venkman


CB4 is average at best.

Fear of a Black Hat was a very well-done parody. Far better than CB4.


FOABH was better. It was much funnier than CB4. If you thought CB4 was a better movie then you sir wear man diapers. Chris Rock thinks he's funny cause he lights up crack pipes daily and expects us to applaud. Hollywood the land of the drug addicts, advertising sh't movies to buy more drugs.

"The wrestling program in hell is second only to Iowa"


CB4 had a story and characters. FOABH had puns and beatdowns, and more puns. The constant veiling of real-life names and companies with schoolyard play-on-words was distracting and groan-worthy.

FOABH is as much fun as an old Cracked magazine movie parody of CB4. CB4 ripped this off, but thank god...Somebody had to make a funny rap comedy.

I'm not so much bashing, as being the only mother****er HERE not circle-jerking over this student film.


CB4 had a story and characters

Ha! You clearly haven't actually seen CB 4 and are just spouting ignorant BS>

