Favorite quotes

What are your favorite quotes from the movie?

"Kiss my ass thats right kiss my f uckin ass why thank you"

"Man, turn around and eat yo big ass biscuit"

"Why did we get this other man instead of the brotha man"

"Because the other man is much cheaper than the brotha man"

I'm sorry did I break your concentration- Jules Winnfield


gusto when getting arrested:"ole fake ass bruce willis."

gusto getting arrested again dead mike says:"tiger drawls wearing mother *beep* then somebody slaps gusto up side the head

popeye has ate his spinach


During the robbery

Gusto: 'Everybody take your gd clothes off' big dude starts to take off his shirt
Gusto: 'Matter of fact, put your clothes back on.' LOL.


"Women, b*tches, hoes...whatever. People with p*ss*es. I love p*ssy people! - MC Gusto


'PORK is the White Man and the White Man is Pork! Have you ever spelled White Man backwards? What does it spell? Pork!'

'Because a BLACK MAN has a different kind, of funk!'

'Connie Chung'

'Your voice sounds so familiar...' then right after that 'I'm in' LOL

'Do you guys care about anything at all?'
'Not a ***damn thing'
'You got a deal!' lol


Where to begin....

"Yeah I'm sucking your balls"

"I'm black y'all. blickety black etc"

"These mofos are hard G! They show me they guns G. WTF I'm supposed to do, I can't dance"

Anything the guy with the voicebox repeats.


too many scenes to name but one off the top of my head that nobody mentioned yet was when Phil (the senator?) was backstage at the concert tellin them what not to say and do. i crack up laughin everytime he says "Sweat...of my ballllss, tonight!" i forgot the exact quotes but its one of my favorite scenes.


"Yeah this B!tch got all the B!tches."
