MovieChat Forums > Best of the Best II (1993) Discussion > Things I learned from this movie.

Things I learned from this movie.

1. You can get hit several times with a steel pole and not get brain damage. I guess it's true that Karate men bleed on the inside.

2. You can have Asian parents in the first movie but then have an Native American grandmother and stepbrother in the second and then a hot Italian sister in the 3rd movie.

3. Bad guys have no loyalty to each other and don't mind killing each other off if it shaves some time off their flight back.

4. Boxers get their butts kicked by a "Martial artist" even though boxing is considered a martial art, possibly the oldest.

5. Boxers just stand there waiting for kicks without practicing any footwork at all.







6. Discipline is cultivated by prolonged stays in a steam room.

7. If you're Chinese, you are genetically superior when it comes to martial arts prowess, mental sagacity and heart, no matter how big or scary the opponent is.


8. Alex's sauce was burning.


9. There is only one rule.


10. Guns are unmanly

11. Walter doesn't take a backpack to school.

12. Tommy challenged Brakus's invisibility, scarred his perfection. For that, he will kill him.

13. Ponytails can be deadly.

14. The Colliseum gladiators kill their own mothers.

15. When you hear a helicopter motor spining, it doesn't especially mean that the blades will spin.

16. "Sometimes you just gotta kick butt."

17. Don't ever touch Mr. Finch!

18. It doesn't matter that Walter "blew it" because he "looks the same" to Sue.

19. If your son is afraid that you're going to die, just explain to him that "it's like a war."

"I like fixin' people gooood!"
- Papa Jupiter


20. for whatever reason, "the buck stops here," bucko (great corny line btw).

21. sick humor (bald guy from darkman) told gus smoking would kill him, and he was right.

22. walter is the most whinest, cry-baby little kid in the world.

23. alex grady went from a leather jacket wearing, long hair street tough assembly man from BOTB 1 to looking like a cowboy in BOTB 2.

24. Wayne Newton still thinks it's 1974 by wearing a gold outfit

25. the discos upstairs

26. alex grady couldnt care less about sue's job and appropriate procedure


27. Repeated kicks to the face will turn it into rubber


28. Travis Brickley doesnt dance

29. Shooting a wig is the only way to kill Sonny Landham

I gotta make a phone call. I'll be right back, don't do anything quaint until I return.


30. If you are rich and live in Vegas you can run an illegal fighting casino with every rich sicko that wants to see a fight to the death functioning as a potential witness and you can kill all the opponents you want and the law will never be the wiser.

31. The deadliest martial artist in the world (Brakus) and the best American martial artists (the U.S. national Karate team members, 3 of them) all live in the exact same city and one with not even much of a population being that the entire STATE of Nevada only has one point seven million. Travis lived just a short drive from Brakus's colliseum.

32. Somehow a shady illegal black market run by organized crime "colliseum" can draw in competitors who have already established themselves as professional martial artists. I guess the lure of "owning the casino" will cause well trained and elite martial arts champions to throw caution (and law) to the wind and risk their lives in a fight to the death?

33. If an evil person beats your friend to death instead of running a police investigation or hiring a detective or ruining that person in the media by having newspaper articles printed about what happened or sneaking undercover cops into the arena next time there is a fight its best to go into the desert to train really hard so you can beat the guy up yourself.

34. A person who makes a career out of fighting to the death in an arena not only expects to win every single fight but on top of that expects to win so effortlessly that even a tiny scar on the cheek is considered "devastating".

35. Their friend was brutally murdered and the same man who did that has his thugs attempt to murder another friend and his family and kidnap him yet the other 2 members of the five member US national Karate Team do not show up to help or offer condolences in any way (maybe the actors were not available)

36. 2 people fighting to the death will agree to step back and stop fighting each other briefly while 2 beautiful bimbos walk into the arena to give them sticks to fight with.

37. Brakus can remain completely confident in his ability to beat anyone even after WATCHING his hardest opponent destroy 3 opponents in a row all of whom are total badasses in their own right, Tommy's almost effortless victories nor the fact that he was the BEST of the BEST and took on Korea's best martial artist do not earn any healthy respect from him, he is still fine with facing him in a fight to the death instead of just having him shot. I must admit I kind of respect Brakus for that, he is not as sleazy as Chong Li or Tong Po.

38. There are 2 other men in the world who also could have taught Tommy to beat Brakus? Who were they?


39. Brakus would rather suffocate and die in a steam room tent then step outside because real men asphyxiate themselves in steam room tents.

40. Alex trains for Brakus side by side with Tommy knowing he'll be there in spirit when Tommy himself will be facing Brakus.

41. A woman is a completely selfish and amoral bitch if she doesn't throw away her livelihood for her boyfriend.

42. Your best friend fighting for his life in some scummy night club and some goons won't let you by? Chances are pretty high his former rival and brother's killer will have your back while he and his associates happen to be having a night cap at that exact same venue.

43. And I thought 'the hammer' was a rap star!!!

44. Brakus may have played McBain in a live action film adaptation in a former life.

45. One of The Coliseum goons illegally bequeathed Travis' signature hat.

46. For a martial artist, Tommy has one pretty mean jump shot.

47. At 11, Walter has officially become a man says his father who later laughs in the kid's face because he wants to stay home alone for a couple of hours.

48. Brakus eats his meals in a casino dealer's vest and semi tux.

49. Travis has a thing for Asian women's feet.

50. If you survive three minutes with Brakus you will have the opportunity to engage him in a battle of metal staffs.


51. Dae Han is from "Hooston".
52. Once you say, "this is *beep* a couple times to the doorman, he'll admit your dead friend was there earlier.
53. Drunken Native Americans don't die after being shot multiple times with assault weapons, it takes two point blank bullets to the head.
54. Behemoth champion fighters train regularly by people swinging and breaking wooden posts on their abs.
55. I'll repeat what someone said earlier, "don't EVER...touch Mr. Finch".
56. Walter's picture is in the dictionary next to the word "courage".
57. When your neck is snapped, you roar like Godzilla.
58. Alex's girlfriend is a HUGE hit at Halloween/vampire parties (could they haven casted a creepier looking woman?!).


First of all: Funniest post on this thread 


I must admit I kind of respect Brakus for that, he is not as sleazy as Chong Li or Tong Po.

I totally agree. Brakus may have been evil, but he definitely played by the rules (even if he's the one who made them).

He was also the only one of the three who would have won the fight fairly if he hadn't been distracted.

Very good. But brick not hit back!


59. Real men do not need babysitters

60. Never ask a man trying to enter through the back door of a casino "what does he want?" for it will result in you having a pencil slammed into your hand.

61. That "one or two punches right on the chin" will NOT take out Brackus

62.Travis really Didnt want brackus he just thought he did.

"If someone asks if you're a God you say YES!"


63. There are apparently zero ill effects of going from alcoholism straight to sobriety


"2. You can have Asian parents in the first movie but then have an Native American grandmother and stepbrother in the second and then a hot Italian sister in the 3rd movie."

The Italian girl was Tommy's love interest in the third movie, not his sister. His sister (wife of the local policeman) was actually Asian.

"58. Alex's girlfriend is a HUGE hit at Halloween/vampire parties (could they haven casted a creepier looking woman?!)."


When someone gives you a present, don't say "thank you", it's not necessary, especially as a kid.

The bad guys can track you down, even if you find shelter in the deserts.
