MovieChat Forums > The Age of Innocence (1993) Discussion > Did Anyone Else Not Like It?

Did Anyone Else Not Like It?

Visually brilliant, I know, but the movie was possibly the most boring I've ever seen. There is almost no entertainment value in this film. The film is as phony as the society it portrays. Even if that was intentional, the film is talky (with boring dialogue) and no female eye candy. It is as human as a tree, and as interesting as the silverware and garments that are so heavily emphasized throughout the picture. I am a big Scorcese fan, but this was a real disappointment and therefore my least favorite Scorcese movie.


I recently finished reading the book, which I really liked, and I just finished watching the movie and I hated it. One of the worst parts was that they put ENYA music. WTF?


One of the worst parts was that they put ENYA music. WTF?

It's one of the most popular songs of the 19th century. Using Enya's version was maybe not the perfect choice though.

The movie itself is without focus and as many have mentioned there is no chemistry between any of the caracters. Everything feels slightly off target about it ( other than Bernstein's music which is perfect). Still, a little voice keeps telling me that this movie deserves another chance and has perhaps a potential to get better on repeated viewings.


packers, agree with everything you said about age of innocence except the female eye candy since i could care less about that being a female myself. this movie completely underwhelmed me, and i will even say something that i have NEVER said before, and it pains me to do so--daniel day-lewis wasn't that good in this. ouch!

also, you raised a very good point when you said there was no entertainment value in this. that is something that people forget about when encountering one of these "important" films by an "important" director. it's like they are afraid to say that scorsese missed the mark on this and will jump on the bandwagon saying they love it. movies are supposed to entertain, nothing more and nothing less. this one didn't, for me at least.


daniel day-lewis wasn't that good in this

Good God in heaven. I found this to be a beautiful, albeit subtle performance.

Spoilers ahead...

The man spends a large portion of the film swallowing words he's just dying to scream - doesn't matter, we the audience see those words written all over his face.

One of the final scenes when May is telling him about the pregnancy and her head's resting in his lap, the anguish he has to hide in order to make a show of joy for her? So human and real. He's like a wild animal that's just realised the cage door has closed on him forever. He knows it, he shows it - it's there on his face and in the tentative stroking of May's hair.

His eyes blink in confusion, trying to make sense of the bomb that's just gone off in his life, as he probes May about telling Ellen she was pregnant before she knew for sure.

Well, different strokes, I suppose, but I thought DDL was masterful in this.

So put some spice in my sauce, honey in my tea, an ace up my sleeve and a slinkyplanb


Couldn't agree more. Typical, modern film-making at its best (worst?)

Remember When Movies Didn't Have To Be Politically Correct?


A tedious viewing experience with little chemistry between the leads.

"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not".


i loved it...just watched for the first time and i cried my eyes out with all the repressed emotions and regrets of that society.


I was very disappointed with the movie. It failed in coming close to the great romance movies. The woman narrating for most of the first half hour was annoying to me.
I guess the bar has been lowered to what is consider top notch.


I agree, for me it came over as very staged and wooden. In the end I did not care for any of the characters and they acted as if they didn't care either. See 'Brideshead Revisited' or 'The Shooting Party' or several other British period style movies and it pales in comparison. Just has no heart.


I am a big fan of Scorsese and I've seen all of his films. That is apart from this movie, I've had it on DVD for maybe 9 years and haven't been able to conjure the enthusiasm for a period drama.

I'm now 90 minutes in and am so bored I'm messing around online. I understand that he's trying to show yet another time/side of NYC but I think this is even more monotonous and mediocre than Kundun.


i didn't hate it and didn't love it, it was very monotonic

so many movies, so little time


It's not a satisfying story to begin with; nobody really has a happy ending. I watch this film once a year, or every other year, but I can't watch it more often because the ending is just too unsatisfying. It's similar to the way I feel about Great Expectations.


It also felt strangely artificial. Never before this had I been so aware that the characters were just actors playing dress up. It was like watching a beautifully photographed costume ball.


Fell asleep trying to watch this as well as The Buccaneers and The House of Mirth.


So did i and i'm a huge fan of all 3 leads
