MovieChat Forums > Wind (1992) Discussion > Based on a true story

Based on a true story

Is this a revamped version of the '88 AC?

The complaint line forms to the left. Have a cupcake and an aperitif whilst you wait.


yes, to some extent, but most of it is fictionalized to accommodate a love story while making it a sailing movie. The Sailing aspects are at least along the same lines as the 1988/1991 America's Cups where Dennis Connors lost the cup to Australia and won it back in the next cup.


Its along the same lines but only on the basic principles, but your dates are wrong. The Cup was lost in 1983 by Conner on Liberty, in a much different way that what was portrayed in the movie. Than it was one back in 1987 by DC aboard Stars and Stripes


I would add, although I'm no sailing expert, that the group of young crewmen hardly had the expertise to build a boat of that type from scratch. Yes, I believe they are experts at sailing..... but not building :)

The bottom line: it was just a fictional, Hollywood movie of average quality...... that at least beat out some of the violent junk that the "entertainment" industry keeps pushing our way with guns, guns, ...... and did I mention...... guns? Oh, wow.... bang, boom, rat a tat tat....... soooooooooooo boring.


I know several sailors who do thier own rigging, mastwork, and even rebuilding the hull. One guy I know is thinking about extending his J44 by a few feet.

A good part of being a sailor is knowing how to repair the boat (or build one). Even though these guys are pro-sailors, they probably grew up around sailboats and working on them. Like Modine's character said, a boat is a hole in the water in which to throw your money [and time] into.

Secondly, they did enlist the help of two engineers.


You're correct. A GOOD sailor knows how to repair the boat. But, I don't know how many sailors out there are that good. And constructing a boat from the ground up, well, thats more than mere repair. But... it was just a movie.... and as you said, they had engineers.


I have to wonder what you actually know about anything.

"They sucked his brains out!"


An old thread, but AC boats are multi-million dollar enterprises built by top experts in their fields, not by people who've never built boats before. Only in Hollywood do people with vaguely related experience outpace seasoned experts.


You have to remember that the AC has changed a lot since then and become much more expensive.

The plot of the movie isn't as huge a stretch as you may think.


and AC boats today bear zero resemblance to the 12m boats in this movie!
