The Troll Milf

The Troll Queen was ridiculously smokin hot. Total Milf from the 90s. Bad bitch. Her acting wasn't painstakingly amateurish like everyone else either.She should have been able to make a living with just horror films,wonder what happened. A couple more rolls like that and she would have been a scream queen. I watched it last night and I still cant get over how beautiful this women was and still is.

Shes on FB

Podcast interview


I just saw Troll 2 and thought the same thing. She's so hot in that makeup, especially before the popcorn scene. Not that "appetizing" without it. This movie is great fun for the whole family.

reply mean you found the rotten gum look appealing? OK, whatever. I agree she was definitely hot though.

Not sure I can say her over-the-top acting did anything for me though. But I guess in comparison to everyone else it was hard to tell.

I figured she'd just watched too many Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons?

Why have a Romanian accent if Stonehenge is in England? Wouldn't a British accent have been more appropriate?


That corn scene was smooookin hot! I would've loved to butter her corn. I know that sounds super gross lol. But she was hot in that scene.


She was sexy and to me, the popcorn scene is the best
scene in the film.


I prefer the hair tied up version too.


she's a damn fine woman and a hell of a cook


Nilbog (the town in the movie) is "goblin" spelt backwards
