MovieChat Forums > Dung fong sam hap (1993) Discussion > warning baby falls on spike!

warning baby falls on spike!

I do not approve of films where babies fall on spikes.




Yeah, it's extremely shocking. But it is also presented as a *horrific tragedy*. You folks make it sound as if the film portrays it as a good thing, which is not the case at all.




Who gives a damn? It's a MOVIE.
It's ok to watch multiple decapitations, mass murder and torture but if a widdle baybee buys the farm the idiots crawl out of the woodwork wringing their hands and gnashing their teeth to the tune of "Won't someone think of the CHILDREN?"
Looks like the director did. LOL
Even more hilarious that the americun audience is the only one having spasmodic fundie freak outs about it.

The movie isn't good but it has nothing to do with the 30 second scene where a screeching brat leaks fake blood onto a blanket. PUH-LEASE.


Where women are undervalued in a society where only one baby is allowed and where female babies are murdered in favor for male babies, this movie is relavent with its themes of Superhero women saving all babies. Great Great Great!


Man, I LOVE when babies fall on spikes. In my spare time, I put babies on spikes and dance with them on display on my front lawn.

Jesus T*tty *beep* Christ on a pogo-stick, lighten the *beep* up.


you too? That's how i started out but now I just steal 50 babies and then put them.....ON ONE SPIKE!!!!! Baby shizkebab


There's baby cannibalism in the movie too! Lest we forget.

I don't know, 50 babies seems a bit excessive. I prefer more time and care. Rotissere baby--or glazed baby, mmmmmm.


Yeah, didn't a bunch of babies start eating eachother? I haven't seen this movie in forever (not since it was on Monstervision), it was hillarious! I love the part where Michelle Yeoh gets attacked by the skeleton.

I wonder if Best Buy has this movie...I guess I'll go take a look see!

There aint nuthin like a good baby ka-bob!

Mr. Flibble's very cross...


There's lots of ways to prepare babies...there's Bar-B-Q baby, Roast baby, Fried baby, Baby soup, Baby stew, Broiled baby, Baby creole, Baby gazpacho, Lemon baby, Stir fry baby with peanut sauce, Baby burgers, Baby sandwiches, and thats...thats about it.





But in a world where Papa Joe Simpson promotes his untalented slutty daughters Jessica and Ashlee like it's the end of the world, I'll have spiked babies anyday!

I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy.


Huh... I thought only Americans put babies on spikes.


Oh yeah. I forgot about that.
