MovieChat Forums > Tetsuo II: Body Hammer (1997) Discussion > Iron Man or Body Hammer - Which is best?

Iron Man or Body Hammer - Which is best?

I reckon the first Tetsuo film was the best. Evan though the second film has a more established plot (and colour), the first creates such a vivid visual intensity that has a disturbing effect. The second while also being a great film, ultimatly comes across as an action film while the first seemed to represent so much more. The fact that both films end almost identically, and feature the same actors makes me belive that Bodyhammer was meant to be a different interpretation to Iron Man, 2 ways of approaching the metal-fusion aspect of science-fiction.


Iron Man

I Worship The Goddess Amber Tamblyn


For me they're two different sides of the same coin: essentially the same story told in another way. So in that way (in my mind at least) they're perfect companion pieces. Where Tetsuo has shortcomings, Body Hammer picks up the slack (and vice versa). That being said, the impact that the sequel had on me was nothing compared to the way the original got under my skin (no Fetishist allusion intended).

Tetsuo is amazingly visceral, yet simultaneously intimate. The look and tone of the film is amazing, with the black and white imagery and low budget techniques only serving to enhance the nightmarish quality. Body Hammer, although it still has a wonderful dreamlike feel to it, feels slightly watered down. It's a redefining of the original's vision, and although it improves in places, it ultimately just loses something in the shift. It's Iron Man for me!


I agree with almost everything you said. I also think that these movies should not be compared, because they were meant to be different. BH (in my opinion at least) was not to be as surreal as the IM, so it should not be considered as it's flaw.
As for loosing something in the shift, I don't agree with you at this. It's that director made IM in B&W by accident or from the lack of funds, but rather on purpose. Colors give BH different feel and I think it was conscious decision. I wouldn't count it as a shortcoming.
As for me, they are both great movies in what they are. Personally I prefer the feel of the IM, but I don't think about ony of them as superior or inferior. They are just different kinds of movies.


Iron Man to me is one of the greatest films I've ever seen. Its just totally insane and highly visceral yet full of accessible energy, humour and creativity. I just finished Body Hammer and was bored to tears. Still has moments of beauty (love the neon blue lights and of course the fast cuts and editing are amazing) but so annoyingly conventional especially since we know from the first film what Tsukamoto is capable of. Its much more asexual 12 year old geek boy fantasy - very dated and obvious and all the "metal fetishists" look like dorky action figures. It just lacks the psychosexuality and intensity of the first film.


Iron Man is indeed superior. I don't think there's any way around that. Unless you happen to be of a different opinion than mine (heh).


I wanted to like Body Hammer so much, but as I was watching it, I was nodding in agreement with your post. Iron Man had a way smaller budget, but it stretched its funds to the absolute limit, and thus never seemed cheap, just effectively economical to a frightening degree. I couldn't quite put my finger on where Tetsuo II went wrong with its bigger budget; it felt like it was more low budget than the first, and not in a charming way either. It was like the extra money wasn't used right. Plus, it just straight out lacked the intense, hyper energy of the first film.


IMO Iron Man

Prostitute: What the *beep* are you doing?
Johnny: I'm gonna kill a bunch of people.
