MovieChat Forums > Sister Act (1992) Discussion > Maggie Smith had the best lines!

Maggie Smith had the best lines!

I think Maggie Smith did an excellent job, playing the role of Mother Superior. She had some of the best lines, and her delivery was spot on! Here are three of my favorites - what are yours?

Monsignor O'Hara: You took a vow of hospitality for all in need.
Reverend Mother: I lied.

To all the nuns in full habit in a Reno casino, completely deadpan: Try to blend in.

To Delores after the first time the choir sings with her as the director: You have contaminated the entire choir!!!
and the best follow up, upon hearing someone knock at the door: (In a harsh, exasperated voice) COME IN!

Goblin Cannonball: I hit something! Yes?!? No?!?


Oh, I know! Every-time she delivered one of those lines, I laughed myself silly with delight!

Please excuse typos/funny wording; I use speech-recognition that doesn't always recognize!


You've grabbed the best Maggie Smith line in the film. "Try to blend in" is expertly delivered by her while she is making a swooping gesture to avoid the gaming tables.


It doesn't matter that they already stick out like sore thumbs! Maggie Smith is one of my favorite actresses, and I just love her performance in this movie.

Goblin Cannonball: I hit something! Yes?!? No?!?


Seems as if Maggie Smith ALWAYS has the best lines. Be it this movie, or Downton Abbey, or Marigold Hotel, with her big eyes and deadpan delivery, Dame Smith is always right on the money.



She did. Frankly, my sympathy wAs mainly with her. I think nuns should be dignified, not leaping about and skipping and singing pop songs.


My favorite wasn't a line, it was a look. I'm laughing now thinking about it. It was the first time the choir sang publicly with Deloris leading. They were singing "Oh, Holy Queen" and she had this supreme look of satisfaction and pride on her face at first, and then the boogie-woogie started and her face changed to a WTH look. Hilarious!!


My favourite line was already mentioned, "People wish to kill you.."
Another good one, "And while you are here, you will conduct yourself as a nun and only I will know who and WHAT you truly are."

She melts in your mouth, she melts in your hands.


Dame Maggie is always an absolute joy to watch so pretty much ALL of her scenes are fabulous. Even when she's not talking! But my favorites below:

Mother Superior: The choir, Mary Clarence (just the right blend of authority, spiced with a weeeee bit of malice that you can actually emphatize with Mary Clarence being sent off to the gallows, or something!)

That "My God" performance where Mother Superior is trying "NOT" to enjoy the show. Hilarious!

And when she leads the sisters in praying for/harassing/convincing that poor pilot...

Okay... imma go watch that movie now again!
