MovieChat Forums > Singles (1992) Discussion > Cliff: such a stereotype

Cliff: such a stereotype

I absolutely hated the way Cliff was portrayed. The movie made it seem like all grunge musicians were self-centered morons. It is such a stereotype that is a actually the opposite of the truth. He shouldn't have been a swell guy either. To describe his character:

Free Spirited

Semi-depressed-He should have been more into himself that way not like the jerk way like in the movie

Unsure about his future

His character plot should have been to realize that Janet loves him and that he should love her back.

I know this could be a stereotype to, but at least it would be a more accurate one.
Basically he should be a Kurt Cobain type character accept not as extreme and to the point where Cliff can be understandable and possible to relate to.

"do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?" -Jackie Chan


That's a very nice hat you're wearing... and I don't mean that in an Eddie Haskell kind of way.

^ He said Eddie Haskell (seen it on the quotes section)

Thinking about it now, I do not know any rock/grunge musicians I know that behaves like Cliff, so I didn't think he was stereotypical.

"Haha!" - Nelson Muntz ... pointing at you. :)


Hmmm...agree with other posters, there were a lot of guys who acted like that around the time of grunge (even in the UK). He's supposed to be one of the more comic characters too, so I wouldn't take it so seriously. Plus he's not that much of a bad guy, just young, full of himself and kinda stupid. A whole lot of us have been there.



If you ask me, they should have paralleled his character from Drugstore Cowboy (Bob) with this one. I loved Bob! It would have been PERFECT & much closer to the reality of the "Seattle scene" than his Cliff character. Right down to the heroin. But that would have been too close to the truth. And way too edgy for this film.

^*^ PDB ^*^


yeah duh

Love means never having to say you're ugly. - The Abominable Dr. Phibes


"My name is Dick, and, you know, you can touch me," but, I think, you know, it can be seen either way.

Such a great character!
