Pesci looked terrible...

with his bad facelift and bouffant wig, he looked like Liberace. Marisa Tomei looked like his daughter, didn't buy them as a couple at all.

Desperanto spoken here...


It was a little stretch, but I thought they played well off each other.


The wig didn't really suit him that's true, but I found the two of them as a couple quite compatible; they shared the same sarcastic wit and sense of humour and that usually plays a big part in a relationship.


If you watch it on Blu Ray, you can see adhesive tape pulling up Joe Pesci's eyes.

Pobre de Dios que no sale en revistas, que no es modelo ni artista, o de familia real...


If you watch it on Blu Ray, you can see adhesive tape pulling up Joe Pesci's eyes.

You don't need to watch it on Blu Ray to see that.


He did look terrible. But wasn't that intentional? Wasn't that the point? They wanted to make him look like a typical New York Italian, with all its inherent stereotypes. They wanted him to look the exact opposite of a smooth-talking well-dressed charismatic lawyer. For the audience, he was certainly believable as a grease monkey (auto mechanic), which was his former job. But, he certainly didn't fit the stereotype of a lawyer.


That's how I read it as well.


He looked better than he did in JFK.


I just saw this on the Oxygen channel for the first time 20+ years...

Pesci looked so bad, it made my miss my VCR and 19 inch boob tube...


I never noticed his face on my blurry vhs either.
