Family Relations

Can someone explain to me why Garcia's character is cuban and has an accent and no one else in his "family" does? What is the relationship between Margie, and John blood relatives or what?


His parents died and his elder biological sister, Margie, adopted him.


margie is probably like his half sister cause remeber he said she sort of adopted him..

"Love is the warmest place to be when it's cold outside."-The Father, from the movie Octane/Pulse


He has a Cuban accent?


he does when he gets angry and raises his voice towards Ross in the forensics lab.



LOL, I noticed that when he gets angry, that accent comes out. I didn't get that the character was supposed to be Hispanic or Cuban in any way (John Berlin sounds pretty white american), and just figured it was something Garcia couldn't keep down when being "intense".


I felt it was a sort of evasive explanation that wasn't entirely true, but close enough
