MovieChat Forums > The Hand That Rocks the Cradle (1992) Discussion > Do you actually sympathise for Peyton?

Do you actually sympathise for Peyton?

She did suffer injustice and yes she did have a husband who touched another woman. Are we supposed to accept her as a villain?


It would be easier to accept her as a villain if the parents were not such total idiots that it made you want to be on Peyton's side.


I was actually thinking the same thing. In the beginning of the movie you actually feel sorry for Peyton. But then both Peyton and Claire have had terrible things happen to them. Claire is assaulted by that a**hole, leading to her reporting him, then Peyton loses her baby and the house. How can you not feel sorry for Peyton? Her husband has destroyed both her and Claire's lives. Maybe Peyton didn't want to believe that her husband was capable of such a thing and of course she is going to take revenge on Claire. After everything that has happened, of course Peyton is going crack. Although, what she did to Solomon was such a horrible thing to do.


Yes I felt really sorry for her. She lost her husband, her baby, her ability to have another child and then in juxtaposition there is Claire who seemingly has it all...



I hope the OP is trolling.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


You don't make the life of the woman your husband may have molested more horrible than usual. You get on with your life...although I wasn't completely not rooting for Peyton.


Why would you root for Peyton at ALL?

Claire was an innocent victim, she did absolutely nothing wrong.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


I didn't necessarily "root" for Peyton however, I did feel for her. Her entire life abruptly ripped out from under her, the loss of a child and the inability to have another child is not something anyone would handle well. And in her warped view, she blamed Claire for it. Anger is alot easier to recognize as an emotion than pain or sadness. But do I agree with her retaliation? No. She'd just completely lost it and felt that she had nothing to live for anymore... So she then put forth her effort into ruining and possibly stealing Clare's life. Justifying it by believing it was the life she believed Claire had stolen from her.


I didn't necessarily "root" for Peyton however, I did feel for her. Her entire life abruptly ripped out from under her, the loss of a child and the inability to have another child is not something anyone would handle well. And in her warped view, she blamed Claire for it. Anger is alot easier to recognize as an emotion than pain or sadness. But do I agree with her retaliation? No. She'd just completely lost it and felt that she had nothing to live for anymore... So she then put forth her effort into ruining and possibly stealing Clare's life. Justifying it by believing it was the life she believed Claire had stolen from her.
^^^ This ^^^ Prior to Peyton seeking revenge, I did feel sorry for her. Her husband molested one of his patients, which led to her own humiliation. Then he committed suicide. She lost their house and even worse, their baby. Of course, I sympathize with anyone who went through that. She had no idea he was molesting some of his patients. That being said, she was warped in thinking this was all Claire's fault and wanted revenge, which is not right.

The beauty is I'm learning how to face my beast ~ Blue October


Precisely, Sam, well said. The exact thing she did was channel all her feelings, including her loss and disappointment, into hurting Claire. It actually gave her renewed purpose.


to a certain extent... she lost everything... her husband, the money, her child, the ability to have anymore children...

and here is this slovenly bitch who has it all and apparently doesn't much want it.

and she lost everything DUE to this slovenly bitch. it's not like this was a random incident. peyton knew this woman [kind of] and went to work dismantling her life one aspect at a time.

I also feel for her because of what that old nurse did/said when she was still recuperating and in a daze... I don't know if anyone really talked to peyton about the aspect of her losing her child and the ability to have any more children. the nurse was a bitch and insensitive for what she said.

and that disgusting friend, marlene: came into the picture with a bug up her butt about peyton.



1. Do you even know the meaning of the word 'slovenly'? I doubt it, since Claire was not slovenly.

2. Marlene had a thing called women's intuition. A sixth sense. She instinctively knew something was up with Peyton. That's not being a bitch. Its called intuition.

3. The nurse made that comment in a whisper, outside the door, to another nurse. She didn't make the comment to Peyton or even in front of her. Peyton didn't even hear it. So I don't know what you are going on about.

I think you need to watch the movie again.


Deem lol, I actually totally feel the same way about Marlene and that nurse. But I can't imagine why anyone would think of Claire as a "slovenly" bitch who didn't much want what she had. Claire very clearly took joy from her family and Peyton saw that clearly, which probably angered her more, believing that joy should be hers.


Geez Gypsy, chill. That nurse didn't say anything mean under her breath, she was a little brisk with Peyton; that was Deem's point. And puhlease, a woman's intuition? Marlene? Gag. Marlene was territorial, hence her guardedness with Peyton.


I definitely feel sorry for Peyton. Of course she was a psychopath, but at the same time I suspect many people in her situation would seek to attribute blame to anyone else but the husband they loved, rather than accept that the life they were leading was a fantasy on top of having to cope with a miscarriage and the loss of their home. So, yes she is a villain because she clearly took things too far, but she is at least a sympathetic villain.

I also was a little annoyed when Claire punched her simply for being the widow of the man who molested her. Sure, 'Peyton'/Mrs Motts deceived her, but at that stage Claire didn't know for sure that she was the one who had killed her best friend, and in all fairness 'Peyton'/Mrs Motts deserved sympathy and support for what she had gone through, not a smack on the jaw. It's not her fault her husband had been sexual assaulting women. It seems like she was paying for the sins of Dr Motts, who had got out the easy way by committing suicide.


I've always thought that Peyton got a raw deal. First of all, half of everything she and her husband owned should have been off limits to the accusers. They didn't have a right to her half of the estate, only to his. I wonder at the need to go after the widow at all. Fine, the doctor was a sleaze, but what the hell did Mrs. Mott do? She was a victim. If I were her, I would have sued the accusers for my half of the property. Why should they get anything that is hers when she didn't do anything except have the misfortune of being married to a man who turned out to abuse his patients?

I don't think Peyton was a psychopath. I think she just emotionally broke and took all her rage out on this woman who she saw as responsible for ruining her life. After all, she couldn't take it out on her husband; he was dead.

I think she should have countersued for her share of her estate. But I think at that point she had lost the ability to think rationally and was in a mental state where she couldn't see past the need to destroy the other woman's life...because her life had been destroyed. Honestly, Peyton was a victim, too.

When the world slips you a jeffrey, stroke the furry wall.


Claire didnt punch her "simply" for being Dr. Motts' widow.
Clair was too trusting from the beginning. However, if someone came into my home claiming to be something they weren't and actually being related to someone who hurt me...being around my children, and causing problems - they'd better be glad all they got was a punch at that point.


Very true Harvey. I think at that point Claire simply knew, partly with the alarming realization of someone raw with emotion, loss and lack of sleep, that the widow of the same man who hurt her had snuck into her life and was sabotaging it.
