
What happened between them? the whole movie I was waiting for them to become friends again. Why did he push her away?


Because that day when she came over to seduce him, it became very apparent that he was gay and I guess that wasn't something he was comfortable talking about. After that seeing her was just a reminder of his confused sexuality so he avoided her.


He was gay? I thought his dream girl was Olivia Newton-John?
We don't know if he was gay, maybe he just didn't like Shade. Maybe he didn't want to ruin their friendship.

Slater: Jessie, these pills are dangerous
Jessie: Yeah, well so is geometry.


I don't know if he was gay - I thought he wanted to BE Olivia Newton-John.

"Non carborundum illegitimati" - Don't let the bastards get you down


Yep, I also always thought he wanted to BE Olivia Newton-John, not that he was in love with her. Was he gay, straight, bi? I don't think he really knows. I think he was very confused about his sexuality which is why he pushed Shade away.


Probably safe to rule out straight. Why would a straight person living in a very predominantly straight town be confused about their own sexuality?
