This show was awful.

Indy must have been about 150 years old when he was doing the interviews as an old man. Plus he saw more history than ever would have been possible for one person. It was like he just bumped into historical figures at random.


lol, next you're gonna say it was implausible a fellow fictional character like Forrest Gump couldn't have met all those historical figures either!
Gotta admit, though, that there was one little Indy ep. where they threw in 1 or 3 historical figures just to fill the episode quota of historical figures for the day!



Indiana Jones relationship to Abner Ravenwood and his daughter Marion, how it was like, could be kept to our own imagination. No prequels! Please!


Well, it is fantasy. You can't take it too seriously, and the whole point of the films was to not only bring Indy to the small screen, but to stir interest in the audience, particularly young audiences, to look into some of the events and personae depicted in the episodes.


I wouldn't say the show was "awful" as it had some good actors, locations and production values. It was a cute way to teach children history lessons, I guess.

However, I always felt the show was too safe ("PC", if you will) in comparison to the films. Indy always learned some big lesson in every episode and implausibly encountered every historical figure. Those people who attack Temple of Doom for being "racist" and "historically inaccurate" should watch the Young Indy show and see how dull a politically/historically accurate Indy program could be.


I watched this as a kid of around age 8-9 yo and at the time, I thought it was the most thrilling show ever. It wasn't until I revisited it as an adult that I realised just how "safe" and "PC" it actually was. I've heard a lot of people complain about it and how boring it is compared to the films but none of them watched this show as children. And that's the thing - this show was made for children-preteens! And considering the quality of tv shows for kids nowadays, you could say that this one was amazing!


With some revisionist history mixed in. I remember the episode with George S. Patton in the Punitive Expedition altered the facts to vilify him. The one with Theodore Roosevelt during the Smithsonian-Roosevelt Expedition also portrayed him badly to push an anti-hunting message.


it was well crafted, entertaining and somewhat educational... just what TV should be.

Smoke me a kipper. I'll be back for breakfast


Absolutely agree that this show is awful. Stumbled across it on Amazon Prime where it can be quite hard to find something to watch at times, and thought this looked interesting. Yikes. It's painful to watch, while I absolutely think the 10-12 year old actor playing youngest Indiana is a much better film actor than I'd ever be, he's still on the side that makes my teeth hurt, and the episode where he meets Theodore Roosevelt is not only a ghastly misrepresentation of Roosevelt but everyone's acting is on the painfully amateur side. Was really shocked to find this had such big budgets and has some big-name actors appearing in episodes I don't think I'll be able to make it to, or through. But hey, go take a look at it on Amazon and see if it's as good as some of you remember...


"how dull a politically/historically accurate Indy program could be."

It wasn't the slightest bit accurate, though. Especially the history not being correct was extremely annoying. That, and the conflation of Germans with Nazis.


Awful???? I was just thinking about how great the shows are! It is a pity they did not make more of them! His bumping into famous people added fun to the show. My 2 cents....


My thoughts exactly. It was a delight to watch, a bit prosaic i.e. in the depiction and description but it was worth it.


I don't know about the "awful" part. But in the Paris conference episode in 1919, that was the height of bumping into historical persons left and right for me . When I saw that Asian waiter serving them, I immediately though to myself " No, that's not Ho Chi Minh, is it ? " And sure enough it turned out that it was, lol . They just had to throw him in there, as if there were not enough historical persons in that episode already .


It was mediocre crap TV and was made 20 years ago. Enough said.



What a stunningly detailed analysis.
