MovieChat Forums > Trust (1991) Discussion > This movie trivializes abortion

This movie trivializes abortion

Nothing more that I would expect from liberal Hollywood. I am glad this movie wasn't popular.


This is such a joke of a thread. Trivializing abortion? If this film is trivializing anything, it's trivializing bad films by being so amazing. I'm glad you were never popular (in school, with friends/family/co-workers, e.t.c).

"Welcome to Errf" - Will Smith


This movie trivializes everything...
That's part of dark comedy.
In movies like this, horrible, awful things are approached calmly and somewhat apathetically.
You need to stop taking everything as an attack on your views.

And yeah, this is an independent film.
So "Hollywood" isn't jamming its views down your throat.
Get it right.

DeMented Forever!


Abortion sends babies to heaven faster.

If abortion is murder, then is having a miscarriage involuntary manslaughter?

If you don't believe in Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, put this in your sig.


I'm not sure which is worse: the possibility that you're trolling or the possibility that you really are this ignorant.

Dear Mom, I put a couple of people in Hell today...


Are you a man? You should have no opinion on abortion. I'm a man -- that's why I have no opinion on it. If it's YOUR KID THAT YOU HELPED CREATED, it's different. But going around just saying "Women shouldn't abort ever!" is ridiculous, especially as a man. I don't think it's anyone's business, period, though.

Anyway, this film is a DARK COMEDY (and a masterpiece, to boot). It trivializes everything.

pre·ten·tious: characterized by assumption of dignity or importance.


Are you a man? You should have no opinion on abortion. I'm a man -- that's why I have no opinion on it

What a completely idiotic, ignorant thing to say. That's like saying no man has any opinion for their off spring.

And judging by the rest of your comment, I seriously hope you never become a father. You read like the type that gets women pregnant then walks off as if the resulting pregnancy is none of your business.

then you accuse people of being selfish. sheesh.

Only those with no valid argument pick holes in people's spelling and grammar.


Long story short: a woman has a right to choose.

I don't think it's idiotic at all that I think a woman has the right to do what she wants with HER body, but sure. Land of the free, ha ha..

pre·ten·tious: characterized by assumption of dignity or importance.


It is an unborn human that happens to be attached to the woman and there's nothing any man can do about it, that's just biology.

After all, how many women have used the line 'I'm having YOUR baby' to get a man to marry her, then when it suits it's nothing to do with the man at all.

Only those with no valid argument pick holes in people's spelling and grammar.

