Pure Enjoyment!

Wow, I must say, this is a very entertaining and cheesetastic little obscurity. I'm a big fan of the Sorority and Slumber Massacre series and when I found out about this movie I had to buy it.

I need more, I mean...why, oh why, do they no longer make films like these?

Anyone have any suggestions on similar movies like this?


I love this movie too!
Where did you find it?


I purchased it from a third party seller on Amazon. It was the only movie from the Massacre Series I didn't own and I needed it to complete the set. I love them all and they all get regular viewings.

I was at Spooky Empire last October and Michael Villella was scheduled to be there. I went periodically on all three days and could not seem to track him down. That was very disappointing.


Not sure if you'll get this message, but third party sellers are asking for a minimum of $160 for this movie now!!


Not sure if you'll get this message, but what are third party sellers asking for now?


I’ll let you know soon because I will be getting a DVD or VHS.


Agreed. This movie is good cheesy fun.

What do you think this is, a signature? It's a way of life!


If you like 80s hair women running around in swim suits and lingerie firing machine guns non stop, then this is the movie for you. I especially liked the brunette who got possessed and screamed in a demon voice before firing an entire magazine. God, this movie is great.


Sounds like an amazing film.


I know this is blurry but if you like this trailer, I know you’ll be searching this movie out. Lol

