Nope (spoilers)

A few people on here are asking why this movie isn't more well known as it's so good. I have to disagree, I watched it last night and thought it was horrible. Too many plot holes to go into and Edward James Olmos over acting like his life depended on it. Such a waste of the amazing Lorraine Bracco's talent.
Sorry but this is nonsensical garbage 1/10


stop talking about your life... we know you are garbage, keep that crapola to yourself


To me, the plot weren’t the problem. The problem was lack of originality and unrealism.

Firstly, he just happened to encounter this phenom when his broke down. Why couldn’t the writers come up with a better story?

Secondly, no major league team would ever let a guy pitch in an MLB game without having the player go through the minors. I see no reason why the movie couldn’t have done the story in the minors, not the majors.

Thirdly, the plot was totally predictable, ending happily ever after: they even did the trite evil owner subplot at the end.

Fourthly, I had to roll my eyes at the idea of Almos, a 50-something year old coach, filling in for the catcher in that one inning. So unrealistic
