MovieChat Forums > Omohide poro poro (2016) Discussion > Taeko's smile bugged me a lot!

Taeko's smile bugged me a lot!

What's up with that weird smile? Why was she drawn like that, with those wrinkles when she smiles? She looks like some 70-year old grandma, not a young girl in her 20s.

Everytime she smiled I had to cringe BECAUSE she looked like a totally different person. I can't explain why the animators did that. Anyone agree?


That's probably the only thing that bugs me in this movie too. However just slightly. I guess it was done to emphasize her age... I felt that was unnecessary, but otherwise movie is perfect.



Yeah It was the whole detail of facial muscles. But yeah it did make her look slightly elderly at times which did bug me a bit. I think they realised it bugged a few people and that could be why they didnt use this technique in any of their anime after Only Yesterday.


Because people are not perfect but still you like them? (And Takahata pushes hard for realism in his movies).


This is talked about in the making of documentary on the UK DVD. Quite simply the director wanted the characters to look realistic. The narrator actualy mentions that the animators found it difficult not to make said characters look old.

"I think you're a load of old crap too, Mr Mulligan."


I have to say I respect his ideas for that. While it does look a little odd from time to time, it felt like Taeko was a real person, rather than the usual anime babe that looks like a playboy model.
Plus, I think it's just nice to have a main character that isn't all that pretty. It's always added to the movie in my opinion...


I think that it just looks weird to you because she had an expressive smile but she didn't have obvious lips.

You get the same kind of exaggerated facial features in Disney too, but their characters generally show more teeth and have larger more obvious lips to balance their features out.

English Language Anime: Dub it, don't pervert it.


I find it hard to look at too but mainly because I'm so used to these animes with cutesy, perfect characters. The film was aiming for a little social realism - the woman's face, showing signs of age, emphasis that she's running out of time before she loses her young beauty (and loses her chance of finding a husband).


It did seem odd at first but the difference in animation styles between the present and her remembered childhood were rather good I thought.

I'm only going to say this once: stay out of Camberwick Green - Sam Tyler


But she's only 27! Maybe if she were 37, it would make more sense. I dunno. They didn't have to make her look "perfect," but they didn't have to add those weird wrinkles in her cheeks. Whenever she smiled all I saw were those wrinkles, which is not the way it is in real life.


Perhaps it's time for a remake, to fix those wrinkles....


that bugged me too, as well as the fact that toshio only had two modes of expression, normal and extremely wide faced smile


Yeah, I thought it looked weird too. Having read a synopsis beforehand, I knew that she was 27, but when I saw her face at the beginning (with all those prominent lines), I thought she looked closer to fifty than thirty.


Same here I cringed every time she smiled. She looked like a mummy or an old lady. I was like GOD STOP SMILING!! She was definitely a plain Jane but that smile ick.

Your no bunny till some bunny loves you


The smile did bother me a little at first, and I even thought (not actually "thought", but felt like) there were two different characters. But on subsequent viewings I no longer paid attention to it, and I can even appreciate what Takahata was trying to do with it.

My ratings: ***** **** *** ** * ยท


It bothered me throughout the film too, but in retrospect, I think I get why they did it; to emphasise the difference between young Taeko and older Taeko. I mean, the two looked completely different to me, to show how young Taeko went from being shy, insecure, nervous and not very confident or happy to becoming more confident and comfortable with herself as she got older. Plus, did young Taeko ever smile like that? She became much happier as a person as she got older, and the exaggerated smile emphasises that.

I think I liked it better when he just said "Annyong".

