Real or Hoax???

What is the general opinion of American people?

I am reading the book at the minute and really enjoying it. It's a very simple read, straight to the point on the different events. It does make you realise though, how the movie lacked depth. I love the movie don't get me wrong but so much detail was omitted.

I'm afraid we're gunna need cover sheets on all TPS reports now. Did you get that memo?


I don't know whether it was real or faked but the family members still stand by what happened.
There is a radio interview on youtube with the youngest daughter of the family and I was quite surprised to hear how accurate the film was.

Of course all of the haunting cases will have people saying it is a hoax though.



So many people are so quick to judge. I've seen spirits all my life. They are all around us 24/7 but most people who know me do not know I see them. Why? Because many would not believe me. People see others claim their home has a spirit in it and they are quickly judged and said to want attention. Let me ask you just type of attention do these people gain? They get negative attention. This case happened well over 25yrs ago and people are still saying it might be a hoax. Would you want that type of label on your family?

Many claim that people say their home is haunted to get money from a book or movie. That money doesn't last long and the family still spends the rest of their lives defending themselves. The children grow up and still have to defend themselves and their parents. By then the money is long gone.

If you talk to people who have had demon attacks in their home they will tell you it took a very long time to ask for help. Why is that? They feel they will not believe. As I said I've seen spirits all my life and when I actually get the courage to admit this to someone I feel stupid saying it because it does sound crazy.

So ask yourself this, how desperate must a family be to contact the media for help or paranormal investigators for help? They are often at their wit's end. Lately, I've been more open and honest online about seeing spirits. I've actually given advice to some families who are desperate for help. They are at a loss and don't know what to do. Recently a mother begged me to tell her the exact steps she needed to take so her home would be safe. How can you protect your kids if you can't see what is attacking them or you?

I don't know of any family that would willingly lie & put their family in the spotlight for a little bit of negative attention. If someone has the guts to step forward and tell the world something invisible is destroying their family then I applaud that and think they need all the help they can get. It takes guts.
