MovieChat Forums > Silk Stalkings (1991) Discussion > Why did they drop the golf metaphor?

Why did they drop the golf metaphor?

It was one of the great charms of the show.

Other odd changes:
1) They dropped Rita's copious use of cuss and swear words
2) They dropped Rita's combative attitude
3) They dropped Rita's aneurism without explanation


More than likely by doing this they were possibly trying to experiment with Rita's character a little. They sometimes do that in shows like that for some reason.

Possibly Mitzi Kapture was asking for this to occur. Who knows. I cannot explain that at all. It could have been due to the writers as well doing that.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


What's a golf metaphor?

I never saw Rita swearing, but then again, I am watching only a few episodes so far.

What 'combative attitude' do you mean?

The aneurism was still a thing in the episodes I am watching.. but knowing a character has a problem like that is stressful for the viewer, it's more pleasant to watch a TV show without having to think about that kind of stuff. After all, shows are _SUPPOSED_ to be about escapism (they they're not anymore, sadly)..
