MovieChat Forums > Predator 2 (1990) Discussion > Are we ever gonna see the NC-17 version?

Are we ever gonna see the NC-17 version?

I love Predator 2, and the NC-17 version is somewhat of a holy grail to me. I'd love to see what was lost!

I'm really surprised that for such a popular franchise, no one from the production has emerged with workprint footage or something similar. Is there any chance as fans that we could get in touch with someone who may know more, or is this version lost forever? I would find that hard to believe, considering what happened with so many other films that were cut for content. Why would this one be lost?

It's gotta be out there somewhere!



Great website. Would love to see a cap of a workprint shot with the time counter on it.



if not a workprint, then Fox or someone like The Shout Factory should release the NC-17 version.


That site IS great - it makes me happy to see that there are other people out there who care about Predator 2 as much as I do.

Is it known that people out there have the workprint? Has anyone come out publicly saying they have it?

FOX would never let the license for this film go, so they're our only hope for getting the NC-17 version. Has anyone tried getting in touch with them? I doubt they'd do a new release of P2, since it's not really that popular, but the best chance would be including it in some sort of boxset release after the new Shane Black Predator reboot comes out. If we could mobilize some support for it, they might listen... but then again, FOX is stubborn.


"Is it known that people out there have the workprint? Has anyone come out publicly saying they have it?"

I've google searched it, and have found people on old forums claiming to have it or have seen it, but they never give much info or proof (like provide a screenshot).

"FOX would never let the license for this film go, so they're our only hope for getting the NC-17 version. Has anyone tried getting in touch with them?"

Not that I'm aware of. That's a good idea.



I need a directors cut of this film. I'm fascinated by deleted scenes. Saw an alternative shot of the penthouse gang killing one time.



Great stuff! Do you own the script? I'd love to have it.


From the trivia there's a brief explanation on what was cut out of the movie (Harrigan chasing Pred to slaughter house, mutilations to his victims including Jerry). Man I would love to see all that!

Like someone said above maybe FOX will release it when Shane's version comes out and they do a box set or something. We can only hope...


Is there any way a different cut could have been available on VHS around 1992/3? Because I have always remembered my first viewing of Predator 2 to have had a few extra bits. For example, I remember predator killing King Willie and pulling his skull off with the spine attached but every time I've seen it since, that doesn't happen. No one believes me on this and I'm not 100% sure myself after all these yeas, but there is definitely a dodgy cut at that part of the film so I am not letting this go just yet.

Does anyone else, particularly in the UK have any memory of this? Or have I just made the film even more bad ass in my mind?


Are you combining the scenes of King Willy and the part after the Subway Attack? Glover walks up on Puss Face doing JUST That to a recent victim. I'm certainly not as big of a fan as most on this board but I've always owned copies, whether on VHS, DVD or VOD, never saw what you're talking about... But that doesn't mean it's nonexistent!


There's an NC-17 version of it?, I already love the movie but since you mention this, I wonder what was taken out


It had to have several cuts made initially because the MPAA hit it with an NC-17 rating. According to the director, it was because of much more graphic depictions of mutilated bodies and decapitations.


Guys is there someone who seen this version also? I remember one night when I was a kid I was on sleepover at my dads house and by this time I already have seen Predator 1 and predator 2 multiple times.I love them both since the first time I seen them. That day I was at my dads house there was Predator 2 in Tv at the evening so I decided to watch it the whole movie was completely the same except the ending which really stuck with me to this day because I didnt expected the ending to be different then what I already seen plenty of times. I remember the predators in the spaceship were there on some kind of surf device it was floating a little bit above the surface of the ship as they made themselves visible to Harrigan and then the Elder Predator Gave Harrigan the sword he was holding instead of the weapon. Since that day I have this ending in my mind but it seems like no one from my surrounding has seen it mostly because they dont care about movies like I do but did any of you ever seen that?


I hope we do, this movie is awesome


i have heard description of NC-17 cut and it is wilds. i would like to see this cut very much. it must be made available for all real fan of predator 1 & 2.

here's some detail i read:

- in penthouse ambush, the predator impale jamaican voodoo pussy on his spear and use him as pole vault - throwing him around like rag dolls. you can see split second of this scene in the trailer of bald voodoo pussy flying through air: blink and you miss it

- sacrifice of columbia drug lord is seen in more details. you see sacrice knife going into body and heart removed. probably lot of blood

- keyes death more violent. in movie it cut away and you see half his body fall to ground. in NC-17 you see body split in half both ways and up close

- king willie's death just cut away in film. we dont see anything but in NC-17 we see king voodoo pussy being behead by city hunter

- probably lot of cuts to jerry and danny deaths. subway and massacre of colobiams as well.

i do not know why studio's do not keep full uncut version of film. they must know they can make lots of moneys if they re-release film with cut footage put back in. predator 1 & 2 have cult following and they deserve full uncut.


I’d be interested to see those scenes but to be honest Predator 2 is pretty disgusting as is. Like Total Recall it’s a borderline splatter movie, and I don’t think either film needs any more gore.

If you go overboard with gore you create disgust instead of tension. I actually find the gore in The Thing to be too much, I spend half the film trying not to puke, which is a shame because it’s a great film.


yes rusty. if i own both versions of pred 2 (cut and uncut) then i would watch cut version because of your reason to prefer less gore and more storys. i would just want uncut version for completion and to add to collection as pred fan. uncut version are big deal to fans.

i do not have problem with the thing but i understand what you mean. i can not watch real violence like torture of policeman in reservoir cops or saw movies.

total recall and pred 2 are like cartoon violence to me. i can handle this. but i can understand why other cant handle. it is dark and uglys film but the best comic book action of 80s/early 90s action cinema golden ages.
