Different Ending

Hello Guys is there someone who seen this version also? I remember one night when I was a kid I was on sleepover at my dads house and by this time I already have seen Predator 1 and predator 2 multiple times.I love them both since the first time I seen them. That day I was at my dads house there was Predator 2 in Tv at the evening so I decided to watch it the whole movie was completely the same except the ending which really stuck with me to this day because I didnt expected the ending to be different then what I already seen plenty of times. I remember the predators in the spaceship were there on some kind of surf device it was floating a little bit above the surface of the ship as they made themselves visible to Harrigan and then the Elder Predator Gave Harrigan the sword he was holding instead of the weapon. Since that day I have this ending in my mind but it seems like no one from my surrounding has seen it mostly because they dont care about movies like I do but did any of you ever seen that?



But Man I remember it so vivid. I was older than 10 for sure but thing is I have already seen that movie many times before I have seen this different ending in tv. I would swear it was real.



This the different ending:



I was never aware of this and can't find any info.


your mind play tricks on you when you watch film as kid and rewatch as adult. so many scenes change but only in your mind.
