MovieChat Forums > Miller's Crossing (1990) Discussion > Tarantino's films are great - but he sho...

Tarantino's films are great - but he should take notes on this film.

I think Tarantino is an excellent writer and director so I'm not going to compare The Coens with QT - both have different styles of writing and directing great movies. But I would love to see Quentin Tarantino tackling this type of script and direction. For the age the Coens were when they wrote this script it's simply masterful how they managed to write this film and direct it. QT should take notes and try to come up with the same maturity of writing that this film has (although Inglorious Basterds and Jackie Brown came close). I wonder how this film slipped through the cracks because I believe this film to be one of the best films I have ever watched.


Yeah I just watched it last night. Only one viewing, but possibly my favourite dialogue I've heard in film.

'I can't die out here in the woods, like a dumb animal!'

EDIT: Quotation



Tarantino started losing it around the time of Kill Bill Volume 2. Including that film, nothing he's done since has been nearly as good as Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, or Kill Bill Volume 1. I would actually rate Miller's Crossing ahead of the 3 films he made in the 90s. I'm in the minority thinking Kill Bill Volume 1 is his greatest accomplishment. His talky films are great, but somewhat overrated. I loved the "less is more" dialogue approach he took in KB1, where he got the most out of the actors' facial expressions. Pound for pound, I think the cast of KB1 performed better than any cast in any of his other films. There are definitely some dud performances even in some of Tarantino's good movies.


Miller Crossing is a masterpiece,one of the Coen's best..
Problem with QT is that his obsession with pop culture has taken over his films. It was always there, but he kept it in control until The second half of Kill Bill .After the it took over his films. And his skills as a dialogue writer has gone down. That the charecters in his last two films....both set in the 19th Century...come off talking like LA hipsters is a example of how QT's ego has taken over.
The Coen's have had their occasional fiasco (the less said about The Ladykillers the better; how they could have done such a brilliant remake job with True Grit but then blown it completely with The LadyKillers is a puzzle) but overall their body of work is much stronger then Tarantino's.

