True Movie

This movie is currently being shown on True Movies 1 in the UK.

"This drama deals with the rare but disturbing issue of "battered husbands" as it tells the story of a man who was abused for years by his unstable wife".

Fair enough... but they've edited out all the battering, every bit of it. thereby effectively rendering the movie - and its message - pointless.



I am sorry but you are getting this movie confused with "men don't tell" totally different movie. Both movie starts with the title "men" that's it.
The movie you are describing is "Men don't Tell".

"Young White Blonde Tall European Green eye Girl born in the US that loves Movies"

yeah my signature LOL


To be fair to pitpasschris (username a reference to underarm hygiene?) both movies actually start with "Men DON'T..."


Lol, that's true. ;) you made me laugh, seriously.

"Young White Blonde European Tall Green eye Girl born in the US that loves movies"

Yeah my signature lol :)


Completely different movie! C'mon, you gotta pay some attention.
