MovieChat Forums > Dark Angel (1990) Discussion > REMAKE NEEDS TO HAPPEN




No remake. A sequel would make more sense and they could easiler get Dolph to come back if the script was decent. He's been making nothing but bad movies up until Sylvester Stallone asked him to do "Expendables". They are suppose to be making a sequel to "Expendables" as well. My beef is that they sent an intergalactic police alien to Earth to capture or kill the drug dealer and neither returned. Don't you think the Alien drug dealers and Galactic Police are curious as to what happened to them? A sequel would be pretty easy to do. The question however, "Would anyone want to see it?" Probably not, because a LOT of people didn't see "I Come In Peace" (aka Dark Angel).


Did you seen the remakes lately ? Most are utter pieces of *beep* so no, this movie don't need a crappy remake.

No good movie need it anyway...but Hollywood continue to produce these *beep* I cross my fingers, hoping this will not happen to this great action/Sci-Fi flick.


remember this film from years ago and it was awesome, fast forward 20 years and its still just as good as it ever was. why remake it? if it aint broke dont fix it


yep.... remake these film please. So someone finally gets on the ball and releases this on dvd/bd.


This could be remade or a quick and dirty sequel may work, if approached in the right manner.

The only directors I would trust to deliver such a movie would either be Sylvester Stallone or Robert Rodriguez. Any other director would try to make a blockbuster out of this. And sorry to say but the only way it will work is if can be sold as a retro drive in type flick. Similar to the successes of Planet Terror and the more recent Machete. If Dolph's film is to have any type of credibility or likability, then it must bank on taking the less serious path. And recognizing that people may be more generous and receptive if this movie pushes for a high octane Duke Nukem type angle.

If this movie gets into the hands of any other movie director/James Cameron wannabe.... then I'm sad to say it will be a wholly forgettable experience and most likely flop. The key is to make it deliberately campy but in a fun way, rather than trying to make it the next Avatar or Michael Bays Transformers and failing miserably.

This is the only way I can see it working and bringing Dolph back on the map.


No, never!


So, I don't know if a remake would be good for a movie like this. Plus, it didn't do too well in theaters and I doubt it made its money back in America. Other countries may have liked it more tho.


