Slow, awkward, and badly-acted!!


This is an enjoyable movie and one of the good adaptations of a King story.

The Flicks -


Just got done watching it again and, while it's no Oscar winner, it is worth a look or two. Cool looking monster in it, even though the glimpses of it are somewhat fleeting. Trust me, I've seen worse - at least it didn't go straight to video or end up on the Saturday morning reruns of Mystery Science Theater 3000!


Was there a contest to create the lamest horror movie monster and special effects ever? It's worth a look if you like to have a laugh or two at a cheesy B horror movie.

Also, it's funny trying to figure out just what the hell the killer monster in the movie is. Is it a rat? A bat? Or a rat/bat hybrid. Anyway, the shots of the rat are even lame by the standards of the era the movie was released in.


No one ever comes to imdb to praise anything but sometimes I look to see. Apparently people here are still stupid and this movie is still good.


Your comment is garbage. This beats and new "horror" out now. Great atmosphere involved.
Go back to the gayness of Captain America and leave horror movies to horror fans.

Halloween is coming, dare ye listen?


I wish AMC would retire it. Every time it’s on I think how a more deserving movie should have its slot. Definitely my least-favorite outing adapted from a Stephen King story.
