MovieChat Forums > Ghost (1990) Discussion > Sam woul have gone to hell too

Sam woul have gone to hell too

I mean come on, this movie is from a Christian viewpoint and

1.Sam was cohabitating with Molly
2.Sam didnt believe in the afterlife or God

Fornication and unbelief are two serious mortal sins.

This film would have us believe that murderers are the only people worthy of damnation.


You obviously don't understand ANYTHING about the Christian faiths.

It isn't as black and white as "going to hell for this... go to heaven for this..."

Babies kill TV shows!


Thank you, I dislike people who think too black and white. Like cops.


Where'd you get the idea the movie is from a Christian viewpoint?


I don't think it's as cut and dry as that.

Question your prejudices.


Where does it say that Sam doesn't beleive in the afterlife? and just becasue he is living with Molly and not married means he's gonna go to hell. Half the world would be in hell if that were tue!

The reason Wille and Karl went to "Hell" was becasue they were selfish, sick murders, and I think the writters were more a less using that is a symbol that they were gonna be punished for taking someone'e life, but not for living common law with someone!
That's rediculous!


What if a human being was born in the wild and never exposed to god? Never had a chance to learn about him. Would he go to heaven or hell? He would go to heaven if he was a good person and lived a good life. If you're a truly good and moral person i don't believe god would send you to hell.


IMO he should go to heaven but most christians say he woudl go to hell.

Question your prejudices.


christianity teaches if you believe in the god explained in the bible, and all its teachings, you go to heaven. if you don't you go to hell. so bad people who commit awful acts, but believe in this imaginary being who was written about thousands of years ago go to heaven. wonderful people who are full of good, but actually use their brains and don't believe, go to hell. simple as that.


It might not be imaginary.

Just because we lose today's battle doesn't mean we've lost tommorow's war.


Something imaginary means you have to imagine it. i.e. you cannot see, hear, feel or touch it. As far as I know, no one has done any of these things with any god lately so god is imaginary. it's not really a statement to whether god exists or not becuase no one knows that for sure. but we do know for sure that god is imaginary based on this definition.


''christianity teaches if you believe in the god explained in the bible, and all its teachings, you go to heaven. if you don't you go to hell. so bad people who commit awful acts, but believe in this imaginary being who was written about thousands of years ago go to heaven. wonderful people who are full of good, but actually use their brains and don't believe, go to hell. simple as that.''

ok im a religion teacher in secondary school[im a catholic thus a christian] and the way we are taught to teach is to tell the pupils that 1 can life a good moral life with or without religion/god in it.It depends on how we live.Plus i am not aware of anywhere in the christian teaching where it says it is an offense where 1 goes to hell if they are not a believer.

The christian teaching has it that we are all born with original sin and thus we all sin which in turn goes against the bible.Therefore if it were that simple every 1 of us would go to hell. Mother teresa herselt wrote in her letters that she had big doubts over God's existense.

What christianity teaches is to love 1 another[even the sinner] and to forgive.Even God himself ate with the sinners and forgave them.He did not condemn them to hell.Read the parable of the labourers in the vineyard from the bible.This teaches that getting into heaven/gods favour is not based on how many good deeds we do or how many bad deeds we dont,in other words god is not keeping a list on every trespass we make against him nor does he record every good deed we do.


So, as a Catholic, do you believe in Heaven & Hell? How do you define a "good moral life"? Did MT also doubt the existence of Christ? For that matter, do you believe JC=God? (you say "God himself ate with the sinners")

If God doesn't keep a record of good and bad deeds, how does 'He' decide who goes to Heaven or Hell? Can you be a really nasty sinner (like Saul/Paul), repent at the last minute and sneak in upstairs?

Too many questions, too many illogicalities and inconsistencies, too much baloney.

And I think that, as a secondary school teacher, your grammar, spelling and punctuation leave something to be desired. I am guessing that you live in the USA.

Blowin' the changes!


Most christians would not!! say that he would go to hell you have that totally wrong and that is prejudice. Most christians do not believe that if you commit a sin that you go to hell, in fact to take catholic for example: as long as you repent you can kill/steal/commit adultery, pretty much anything as long as your really sorry. For most other christians it is a balance if you are generally good then you wll go to heaven. Jealousy/envy is a you think that most christians believe that if you are ever envious/jealous in your life then you will go to hell,(everyone gets envious/jealous sometimes, even fleetingly as this is the human condition).

As far as the movie goes there is no indication that sam is ging to a christian heaven or that the bad guys are going to a christian hell. Most religions involve the concept of an afterlife and some sort of punishment/atonemennt for bad people.


Acutally the majority of mankind goes to hell. The fewness of those who are saved is taught in scripture and tradition. The story of Noahs Ark is one story that prefigures the fewsess of those who will be saved since it was only Noah and his family that were saved from the flood. And it's not that God does not love mankind, it's that mankind does not love God. They would rather believe what they want and what feels good to them instead of what He reveealed and commanded.



I don't believe in God or religion and I co-habitated with my wife for over a year before we were married.

So use your narrow little mind and tell me I'm going to hell, while you live a useless life adhering to a God who doesn't exist.

Thanks for playing.


How do you know what God has commanded? From a book that contradicts itself?


Seems like you're living in hell already. See a shrink.

Blowin' the changes!


Acutally the majority of mankind goes to hell.

Ha ha ha. I seriously laugh at your kind. Why? Because your ideologies literally walk the line of bonafide insanity. Insanity... as in, you are too dimwitted to recognize what is outlandish and what is reality.

I DO NOT preach any religion, but nor do I criticize anyone who practice any religion they wish. Mormon... fine by me. Catholic... great. Muslim... good for you. I would never bash someone simply for believing differently than me on religious matters.

Where I have a problem is when juiced-up Christians like you are so overbearing with your beliefs that you sit in judgment on others, day after day after day after day after day... all the while purporting to be oh so much better than the rest. "I'm going to heaven and most of you are not..." Seriously, can you not see how that's straight outta kindey-gartner?

The irony is that so many religious freaks don't even have the basic ability to recognize when they are being absolute hypocrites. Every religion has them, and they have a lot of them -- followers who, through their attitudes and actions, contradict many of God's supposed teachings or beliefs. In other words, they act regularly in manners that are in direct conflict with the way that a supposed God would want you to behave.

I will conclude by saying, fine.. go ahead. If you choose to believe in a Christian existence, good for you. I have no problem with it. But I do not believe in a Christian existence... and because I do not, from what possible basis can you point fingers at me and those like me and say to us, "you are going to Hell. You are not worthy of Heaven. I am worthy of Heaven. I am better than you."

The incredibly negative stigma that religion carries today is directly derived from the acts and remarks of ignorant, pretentious worshippers like yourself.


You are the exact reason why religion shouldn't exist. Fine, let me "go to hell" for cohabiting with my husband for 4 years before getting married. Oh no. I guess I deserve to get punished for life because I didn't instantly get married before I lived with him. Does that mean despite all the nice acts I do for people on top of saving lives and volunteering,that I'm going to be punished by your god because I lived with my husband before marriage? So.. what about people who are roommates who like each other? They should go to hell, too? Your religion and your beliefs are ridiculous. Get out of here, you ignoramus.


I wanna be a troll and tell you to 'shut up!' but I am restraining myself as hard as I can. First of all Sam and Molly loved each other, pure love was between them and there is nothing sinful about that and second Carl and Willie went to Hell because the Killed someone in cold blood, they committed the real sins here not Sam.


You wouldn't be trolling, red, for basically speaking the truth. Trolling is deliberately riling people up with inflammatory language and/or opinion. It's used to encite a volatile reaction.

If God is to believe that only his 'perfect' humans make it up there, he'd be sorely mistaken. He HAS to figure his creations are not flawless and will succumb to certain temptations. I believe he more or less takes our time down here as a collective and then makes his judgement about onward passage. Heaven would only be full of spinsters and shut-ins.

Everybody sins.

"If I had ya where I wanted ya, they'd be pumpin your ass full of formaldehyde!"


Thanks, and I can't believe I messed up my postings.


I wanna be a troll and tell you to 'shut up!' but I am restraining myself as hard as I can.

Nice, RedRackham.

LOL, religious people. What a legion of pretentious delusional human beings..

I'm not a control freak, I just like things my way


This is not a Christian movie, it is a Spiritualist movie, big difference. Spiritualists believe we go where we've set ourselves up to go. Another big difference is that Carl and Willie might not stay in hell for eternity. They might get out to right their wrongs and learn something. Spiritualist hell is more like purgatory.

Let's just say that God doesn't believe in me.


This movie was more Hindu than Christian.


How so? No mention of reincarnation, or gods & goddesses... Not Christian either - no Jesus, God, VM etc.

Blowin' the changes!


I'm sure God would of forgiven Sam for not believing in him and for having sex with Molly even though they weren't married yet because he knew Sam was a nice guy and wasn't mean towards other people and also Sam managed to show Molly in the end that the afterlife was real. I'm Catholic and I know a couple who are Atheists and I hope that when they die God will forgive them and they'll go to heaven. God is mysterious in his ways. I think he loves all people whether they believe in him or not and I'm sure it's a hard thing for him to send them to hell if they were evil. BELIEVE!


God to sinner,on sending him down "This is gonna hurt me more than it hurts you"???

Blowin' the changes!


That's not why he'd go to Hell. He'd go to Hell because he killed two people in vengeance while he was a ghost. The underlying double standard is killing for being killed, he wouldn't exactly be eligible for Heaven for that judging on the Bible alone, or you may as well say Pumpkinhead or Spawn should go to Heaven for dying and coming back to attempt vengeful deaths. Christian God would not allow such things. I'm not Christian, btw.

This movie may not be strictly from a Christian viewpoint, but it is certainly from a dualistic one and makes it seem that Sam went to a good afterlife and the other two went to a horrible afterlife. It's not really the best movie to look at from a Christian view. The movie is more for teary eyed lovey doveys who want a romance story to touch their hearts, and it will break any written rule to achieve that intent. For more accurate Christian viewpoints, look elsewhere.


Sam didn't kill anybody. Those two killed themselves. Willy ran himself into traffic and got himself hit by a car and Carl was the one that broke the window that later fell on him, remember?

The difference between a lady and a flower girl is not how she behaves, but how she is treated.


willy was runnign from sam, who was running because he was petrified. Question: what was Sam's intent on chasing Willy into traffic? Question 2: was he ever going to stop if Willy wasn't hit by the car? Don't remember about Carl. Will have to watch it again and see

"sir, sir, i gotta check and see if you've soiled yourself, I'll get to you in a moment, sir!"


why are you assuming this movie had anything to do with Christianity specifically?
