

After Billy Drago falls to his death, does anything else interesting happen? I've got a bad used video copy and it cuts out right after that. I figured it's just boring ending stuff, but if there's anymore cool scenes I'd like to know.


That's pretty much the end of the film after he falls. Chuck Norris makes a comment, which i can't remember, and the end credits come up.


cool, thanks.


Yeah he says "Not today asshle" and the credits role. I would have liked to have seen a splash but oh well! LOL!


quite the anticlimactic ending. wish he would've thrown that knife at him or the rope, but then he wouldn't have been able to say "not today, A-hole"

Hunting season is over.


We don't know if he fell to his death. Drago could have been a great swimmer and if he landed in the water, he could have swam to shore
