How? Why?

How can there not be a discussion board for this film? Why are there no views on the fact that this film manages to accumulate so many fantastic and respected hoofers in one scene. Their ability and talent is amazing and the scene when they are all playing off each other, or showing off - however you see it is second to none. The first time I saw this, I couldn't believe so many "old boys" still had the abilty but you can see their passion and talent runs so deep. Age is not a factor.


I have to agree with you completely here. My Girlfriend Got me turned on to this movie because she is an awesome hoofer herself. Once back in "03" about 9 months or so before Mr. Hines passing he was here in Atlanta at some sort of show and she got to dance with him on stage. He told her that she was one of the best he has seen in a long time and I have to agree. A pretty awesome compliment for someone of his stature. Anyway, back to the movie. I think it is great and it has turned me on to tap and dance for that matter. I would love to see it come out in DVD format soon.


Hooray!! I've been checking back here since I put my original message and I'm really glad someone has now joined this board. It appears to be on VHS but marked as rare in many cases. I would love to see it on DVD, who do we petition???!!


I saw this last night on broadcast TV in Chicago. Excellent!



A good majority of the cast in this film have left this earth. The least someone could do is put this file of dance history on DVD in 5.1. Lets hope the studio does this before dvd's turn into VHS and the movie is unsetainable. Once Hines died it should've been a wake up call for the studio to get off there ass and make a DVD. I'm not a dancer or Hines' #1 fan, I'm a jazz musician so getting put on the back burner and disrespected by the public is just something ya get use to. Much luv!



I remember loving this movie over 20 years ago now. It happens to be on cable TV right now. The legendary "challenge!" scene with everyone just played. Still astonishing.

I feel it's a darn shame not more has been written about this film.


I was AMAZED to see them moving the way they were. Well done, gentlemen.

I think part of the 'discussion' thing is because every once in a while IMDb gets a wild hair and deletes older discussions that haven't been active for a while.



It's a very good movie! I appreciated that they shot so much of the film in New York City, especially with what was said to be a rushed schedule.

And, I was entertained by Sandman's constantly grumpy character.
