MovieChat Forums > Roger & Me (1989) Discussion > Did I miss something here?

Did I miss something here?

What exactly is Fatty McMoore's deal here? He's upset with capitalism? The American way?

Did I miss something or is it not Roger Smith's given right to move his business wherever he deems necessary?

Mikey Moore could really use a class in tolerance. He seems to have a fierce dislike for anyone that shares a differing opinion or political view than his own.

Now I hear he's making another Moore classic, this time about how the Bush administration is directly profiting off of 9/11. Leave it to him to use a national crisis to try to slander the current administration he doesn't agree with.

Are we all countrymen or what? At what point do you put aside the partisanship?

I know this probably falls on made up minds and deaf ears, and it saddens me to a small extent. I'll just go find ways to mindlessly amuse myself for hopefully the next 50 some years of my average american life.

After all, who would dare blink first?



"(Yes I'm going on what I saw in the film, but why would moore lie about it?)"

basing all your opinions and facts on a situation from a film is dangerous. DO YOUR RESEARCH and then come back and try to make a debate about it.


I have seen battlebeast3's posts pop up on IMDB in the past. He or She seems to be a young person who's very angry with his or her (I'll just use he/him since it has been used for countless generations for both, to simplify things) self and blames everybody else. He always seems to start his post's with a very negitave manner. Then starts slinging insults at people, groups, or even racist blathering. Then he seems to always decalre some punishment to said person, group, or race (and it's always way out of line) like he is one of their victims.

Battlebeast3, I'm not trying to pick a fight with you. I'm just pointing out that many of your posts seem to follow this path and only seem to be there to either annoy people or get some kind of attention. They rarely seem to discuss or debate information regarding a movie or TV series.

Take this post on Roger & Me for example. The only thing you did was publicly rage against a man (I'm just gussing on this one, so correct me if I'm wrong) that you most likly dont know for reasons (of which you said it your self "Yes I'm going on what I saw in the film" you do not fully understand because you failed to research the subject yourself. So to the rest of us it looks like you watched a personal commentary by a man with an obvious grudge against another, then went to a public fourm about said film to proclaim an uneducated bias against the very same man for no real reason other than to get attention.

If you really want to discuss a film/TV show, then please do. Of course you have the right to speak your mind, but please chose a better place to berate other's than a fourm for movies. There are many places like ezboard that are there just for that reason.


Yo, jackwhore, the whole point is he does have the right, legally. But there's something wrong with him having that right and the workers not having that right. And whether or not something is legal doesn't necessarily have anything to do with whether or not it's right. You are the epitome of a corporate prick.
He kinda kisses like an adolescent


Just who are you refering to as "jackwhore"? Was this one of the post's deleted or are you calling sombody that? I'm lost as to the refrence on the statement of what is legal and moral. Could you please clarify that? I just wanted to make sure it wasnt directed at me before I made some sort of direct responce to it.


