They were afraid of squirrel?

Seriously, what the hell??


Thank God it wasn't moose and squirrel.

"... and I am unanimous in that!"- Mrs. Slocombe


Thank God it wasn't moose and squirrel.

"I can't help but notice that there are skulls all over everything. Are we the baddies?"


I know - we watched this last night and I kept saying - get some oven mits and catch the darn thing. Then I thought - if one got loose in my own house, I'd freak out too! It's a wild animal and probably rabid. My cats would probably freak out too. They've never seen anything bigger than a mosquito in the house.


Absolutely. It is the fear of rabies that makes us afraid of squirrels , and rats for that matter in the house.


Except for the fact that squirrels are not documented to have ever transmitted rabies to a human (and their rate of carying it is almost abysmal compared to other mammals).



Ever been inside with a wild creature who doesn't want to be there? Not a fun situation.


That scene is stupid, not funny and pretty much the only scene I hate in the whole movie. I don't get it either. I mean, people were fainting. Over a squirrel??? A skunk I could see them screaming and running away from or even a rat, but not a squirrel.


I quite agree with the OP and others who think the squirrel business was stupid. I just got finished watching the film for the first time, and I was saying *out loud* to myself while watching that whole scene, what the hell are they so afraid of a *squirrel*. And the rabies answer doesn't really cut it. There was not particular reason to suspect the squirrel of having rabies. It didn't wander into the house on its own, Clark brought it in with the tree. Sure, they should have been cautious about rabies, but that's hardly a reason for the sheer terror everyone was exhibiting.


If people can freak out by seeing a rat inside their house, why not a squirrel? Squirrels are worse because they can jump and climb. You don't know if they're going to bite you, urinate on you, jump on your face, poop all over the place. I would imagine it can be a bit intimidating, especially if the squirrel is freaking out and running all over the place.




It was in the second tree, not the original. Remember Lewis accidentally burned down the original tree, because it was so dry (the dog had drank the water). So Clark went out with his chainsaw and cut down another tree. And that was the tree the squirrel was hiding in. And it wasn't so much the animal itself they were afraid of. They thought it could potentially be carrying rabies. Squirrels have been known to do that. If you got bit by a squirrel, you wouldn't be thinking "stupid" and "wimps" and "cute animal" when you had to get rabies shots.


I think it is because squirrels and bats carry rabies in America.


Seriously, what the hell??

Why not?

A lot of people are afraid of little spiders, and Most spiders are not dangerous ,and in colder countries non of the spiders are dangerous.


Yeah I didn't get it either...
Especially from Eddie's family, even without Eddie, the rest of them shouldn't care much with what they deal with back home.


I know. I found that part so silly too and instead of laughing was just wondering what the hell they were doing.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried
