MovieChat Forums > Millennium (1989) Discussion > Hated this when it came out now I

Hated this when it came out now I

like it a lot better, don't know why it's grown on me. My only complaint today is that we never got a final scene to show what it looked like where they went. I sure think that would've been a happier ending.


It's always been a guilty pleasure for me. I know it's horribly flawed in many ways, but the basic premise of time travelling to grab about-to-die people from the past is such a novel and interesting one, I just can't help but like it.

If I could stop a rapist from raping a child I would. That's the difference between me and god.


Yup it's become one for me too. I love the look of it. Has that late 80s early 90s look and gives me nostalgia with each viewing today.


I remember watching it as an early teen and thinking it was confusing, boring and badly made. I've since re-watched it a couple of times in the past few years and found it to be an intelligent great blend of time travel, science, comedy (the brief fish out of water scenes) and aviation. It's not a great film but it's alright.
