
Good day.

I recently was recommended this film by a fellow member of my church. She claimed that it was a great movie for children; which I have 3. First of all, let me tell you that I am STRONGLY Christian and am raising my children to have very strong Christian values and belief in our God. The animation looked cute but the cover struck me as odd because it showed a cute girl flying on a broomstick. I naively ignored this and put the video into the VCR for my children and me to watch; I regret this DEARLY. The film started and she claimed she was leaving to be a witch. I was so shocked when that infernal feline started talking, that I IMMEDIATELY unplugged the television and told my children to go to bed and pray to God for forgiveness. Witchcraft is a disgusting tool of the devil and in this case is even more disgusting for being hidden in a supposed children's film. Do not allow your children to watch this; as it is a wolf in sheep's clothing.


Margaret Fisher.



I would hardly call a film that has on the DVD cover a picture of a girl on a broomstick "a wolf in sheep's clothing", there's no false advertising there at all.

Jesus was a communist, Jesus didn't like the rich


Yeah it is sad that people like this really exists. That brainwash there own kids with fantasies about a god and *beep* like that.

Let children be children not brainwashed morons.




and we shall publicly strip them and brand them and slice open their arms and legs and pour molten lead into the wounds and burn them at the stake!

Yeah you will do all that and it will be fine but if you watch this movie you will burn in hell for all eternity.


If you're a troll, well done, I laughed :D If you're not, however, why are you denying your kids an interesting, eventful childhood? I bet you consider Winnie the Pooh "an infernal talking yellow bear" and Harry Potter "a wolf in sheep's clothing", too, even though many children, Christian or not, have grown up with them. Put your Bible away for once and stop being so close-minded about harmless movies and other things Christians are close-minded about.


Good day Margaret Fisher, and thanks for a good laugh. Seriously, this is trolling at its finest. And if you aren't, I sincerely feel sorry for you.



Gotta love Westboro

And here's another curse. May all your bacon burn


by MargaretFisher1965 (Sun Feb 20 2011 07:44:01)
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Good day.

I recently was recommended this film by a fellow member of my church. She claimed that it was a great movie for children; which I have 3. First of all, let me tell you that I am STRONGLY Christian and am raising my children to have very strong Christian values and belief in our God. The animation looked cute but the cover struck me as odd because it showed a cute girl flying on a broomstick. I naively ignored this and put the video into the VCR for my children and me to watch; I regret this DEARLY. The film started and she claimed she was leaving to be a witch. I was so shocked when that infernal feline started talking, that I IMMEDIATELY unplugged the television and told my children to go to bed and pray to God for forgiveness. Witchcraft is a disgusting tool of the devil and in this case is even more disgusting for being hidden in a supposed children's film. Do not allow your children to watch this; as it is a wolf in sheep's clothing.


Margaret Fisher.

Get over it, lady. It's a fantasy.

For YOUR information, Hayao Miyazaki is Japanese, and his knowledge of witches is probably confined to women riding on broomsticks and casting spells. He's not a pagan himself.

Are you always this "brilliant" (sarcasm)?


she only posted once on here so she's got to be a troll

OCOE - obsessive compulsive olive eater


You fool.


Feel bad for your children. Aren't they supposed to be growing their imagination? It's not she was the kind of witch who performed black magic and tried to kill people. I thought it was such a sweet and wonderful movie. I can't imagine how anyone would take it to another level, poisoning the great message this movie had.
