MovieChat Forums > The Karate Kid Part III (1989) Discussion > Minor characters from other movies that ...

Minor characters from other movies that have more honor than Daniel

Terminator 2: The man at the biker bar who stood up to the T-800 and refused to "let him take the man's wheels". That unnamed character had an opportunity to incapacitate the terminator with a shotgun blast to the back at point blank range. Yet, he fired into the air to give the terminator a fair warning. Although he ultimately failed in preventing motorcycle theft, when the tables turned he didn't beg, or plead, or try to escape. He was willing to accept the consequences of his actions with honor. The Terminator understood this and decided to merely intimidate the honorable man.


Buzz McCalister - Does the right thing and appologizes to the family for the Christmas singing incident.


The mayor from Jaws. He was acting in the town’s best interest and would go on to get re-elected.


Andrew Clark of The Breakfast Club. He threatens to knock out Bender for taking liberties with a lady. Earlier, during Pride week, he protects a fellow student from marauding Sodomites by taping his ass cheeks together.


Jeff from Miami Connection.

He, quite understandably, didn't want his sister hanging out with that damn band!


I don't completely understand the question :( I'm a bit slow & also under the influence of Ambien atm.

Okay let me try: Cameron Frye for standing up to his father after the miles don't come off. THE MILES AREN'T COMING OFF!


William Devasher from The Firm. He warned Mitch McDeere about the FBI potentially using dirt against him.


Calvin Bouchard from Jaws 3. Saved dozens of lives with his quick thinking.
