Trashing the desk set

First off, litter and waste
Second, it was a decent gift. Looked high quality.
Third, so what if he gave it the year before? Rich people like things to stay shiny and new. A scratched up, used desk set looks shabby and poor. The Dad wanted his son to have the best stuff. What’s wrong with that?
Fourth, the Dad remembered his birthday. A truly checked out parent would have forgotten it altogether.
Fifth, man up. Birthdays are for children. Most adults have to go to work on their birthdays. This kid was sulking around like a baby. “Where’s my prezzies? Where’s my cake? Waaa waaa”


He sees it as a carelessly given present, one which he gets every year and his parents probably don't even realize they are giving him the same gift every year. They probably are getting their secretaries or whatever to send the gift.


At the start of the film where he is unpacking his stuff in the room you can see he puts a desk set down, probably the one he got the year before. It's a thoughtless gift and not something the average 17 year old would want.
