MovieChat Forums > Batman (1989) Discussion > How Batman 1989 changed superhero movies...

How Batman 1989 changed superhero movies and you barely noticed

Tim Burton's 1989 Batman film wasn't the first great superhero movie — it wasn't even the first great superhero movie about Batman. It was, however, a massive turning point for both the character and superhero movies in general, and was arguably the first big step towards superheroes becoming their own thing on film, and not just a subgenre of action or sci-fi movies made for kids.

In the 30 years since it hit theaters, virtually every superhero movie has been influenced in some way or another by what Batman '89 accomplished. In fact, the impact that it had on superhero movies has been so massive that in a world where it set the standards, you might not have even noticed how much of an effect it had. From memorable aesthetics to "realistic" costumes and all the way down to studios learning exactly the wrong lesson from a wildly successful movie about the Caped Crusader, here are the ways that Batman '89 changed superhero movies.
