MovieChat Forums > Batman (1989) Discussion > What portions of Batman (1989) have aged...

What portions of Batman (1989) have aged the worst?

Considering that next June will officially mark 30 years since the release of Batman. There are some parts that still hold up tremendously like Danny Elfman's score and Anton Furst's production design. But there are some parts if you ask me, that don't hold up as well. In fairness, I don't know for sure if it was entirely intentional, but Batman seemed to try to mix different decades. Like a little bit of it felt like the '40s (when the Batman comics were first starting) and a little bit feels like the '80s. In other words, it isn't an out and out period piece but it isn't a straight-forward take that could take place in "our time" (like the Christopher Reeve Superman movies) either.

I think that Prince's smooth-funk music, some of Vicki Vale's fashion choices most naturally make it feel like an '80s movie. There's also the line that Knox gives to Vicki during the parade scene (when Joker is handing out the money) regarding Gotham's "greed":


The city is so obviously a set. I used to not notice but now it just doesn't seem like a big city at all a good portion of the time.
