MovieChat Forums > Batman (1989) Discussion > Alexander Knox: Pulitzer Prize Winner

Alexander Knox: Pulitzer Prize Winner

Lost in the all the chaos of Gotham was the outstanding reporting done by Knox throughout the movie. He covered two huge stories that each could have won a Pulitzer had they not happened in the same year.

First his relentless investigation into Batman before anybody was even admitting that he existed. Any time there was a rumored encounter, he was either on the scene (thanks to some good tips) or on the phone hounding the detectives for any information. And even with his colleges mocking him, and high ranking government officials laughing in his face, he stayed on the story, and everything he reported ended being proven right.

Then his coverage of the Joker dumping the money on the city, then trying to poison the crowd. We didn't see any other reporters there, except him and Vale and when the poison started he sprang into action and actually got a balloon released.

Unfortunately, in the end it sounds like Vale got more glory for her picture of Batman. Hopefully she threw him a bone, and arranged for Knox to get an interview with Batman, so at least he could get some closure to the story that almost ruined his career.
