Jonathan Pryce as... George W Bush

... conserving an endless war against an imaginary enemy. Am I the only one who saw it this way?

Recently watched movies:
The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (1988) (7/10)
Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (2006) (6/10)
Empire of Passion (1978) (6/10) 2nd time


by minalex (Mon Jun 25 2007 07:56:16)
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UPDATED Thu Jun 28 2007 13:34:54
... conserving an endless war against an imaginary enemy. Am I the only one who saw it this way?

Probably not, but that doesn't make your equivocation accurate. I won't go into our policy on Iraq, but will say that wars are always fought over resources for specific ways of life. Pryce's character was no different when combating the Turks. An audience member during the theatre scene mentions "the sea routes" in a very rough Scot's burr, but we're not given any real reason.

In the end the enemy was vanquished. Their encampment remained, but they were gone. Were they really there? Yes. How much did the Baron have to do with it? We'll never know, but we do have his story, and the result at the end. That's enough for the people of the citadel to rejoice in.
