MovieChat Forums > Tales from the Crypt (1989) Discussion > Crypt Keeper Fears/Nightmares

Crypt Keeper Fears/Nightmares

No doubt for many kids of the 90s the Crypt Keeper was a big fear, most kids I knew of including your's truly were terrified of him to the point we were too scared to watch the show or even HBO for fear he'd show. Were you scared of him as a kid or even had nightmares?

He frightened me so bad and I recall it wasn't until my early teens I finally got over my fear of him. I've had my share of nightmares about him and for some reason still do once in a while despite no longer being frightened of him. I guess because as a kid he terrified me so much that it left a permanent scar on my psyche and subconsciously there's still a bit of a fear of him there, and every now and then it's triggered in my nightmares.


I know that feeling! I use to dream that the Cryptkeeper would pop up from under my bed and scare the life out of me. Or from the side of my bed. I admittedly still have occasional thoughts about that. Lol!!!


Indeed. Whenever I'd awake from a Crypt Keeper nightmare I'd be afraid to look for fear he was right near me.


Lol! I know that feeling. Even though it's been a long, long time since I had a Cryptkeeper nightmare, I still fear that he's right behind me, under my bed, on the side of my bed, or anywhere near my general vicinity. Especially at nighttime when the majority of the lights are off.


That reminds me how whenever I misbehaved when I was little my family would warn me the Crypt Keeper would come for me if I wasn't on good behavior. He was definitely the boogeyman of the 90s for me.


Anyone else?


As a kid, I was never scared of the Cryptkeeper, but I did think it was very cool for a show finally to have enough testicles to feature a full-on monster in a prime role.

When I rewatched the Cryptkeeper as an adult, however, I realized I was wrong, and I lost most of my respect for the Cryptkeeper character, since I realized that after Season 1, he is just a dress-up clown buffoon comic character rather than a horror character.


When I rewatched the Cryptkeeper as an adult, however, I realized I was wrong, and I lost most of my respect for the Cryptkeeper character, since I realized that after Season 1, he is just a dress-up clown buffoon comic character rather than a horror character.

The only reason he was more subtle in the first season is because they didn't have the budget to operate the puppet to where it could talk fast and thus, couldn't be as animated and make as many jokes. They had to tone it down because they were limited at the time. He was always intended to be more comedic.

The exact same thing happened with the Crypt Keeper in the EC comics from the 50's, in which this show was based. In the first few issues he was much more serious and sinister, then gradually became more comical and over-the-top with the silly puns, which became a staple of the character. I like both versions of the character and am glad that the TV series sort of reflected the changes he went through in the comics that inspired them, even if that wasn't intentional.

I'm glad I can still grin at the Crypt Keeper's silly puns, corny as they are, because that's what made the character so memorable.


He was always meant to be comedic.
