Time to cancel it?

I think so.

If it was cancelled would you still watch it?


It should had in 2001


Should've ended after season 11. The last episode of that season would have worked as a finale. I wish someone buys the rights to the show one day and makes everything after that point non-canon together with Principal and the Pauper.


Id say let it die and time to move on to other more relevant adult animation


The show is the definition of a suffering pet that no one has the heart to put down.


I stopped watching in 2003 and some people stopped watching, it doesn't belong in our time when we have Bojack Horseman, Bob's Burgers etc.


Yeah, it belongs in the last century, i mean ffs now they have flashbacks of Homer and Marge as young people in the 90's and the kids are born in like the late 00. It's just weird.


It's cause the show now since 2001 is a compleltely different series and the real show died in 2001 and has been reanimated as an undead creature called Zombie Simpsons



Do you agree Bojack Horseman, Bob's Burgers etc. are more relevant than Zombie Simpsons?



I recommend them

