
We know Hollywood loves remaking movies that don't really need remaking. With the 30 year anniversary of LD coming up, I bet it's due for a remake at any moment. My question, though, is who in the world would possibly be good enough to play those iconic roles? I feel like it would be such a different feel. Different vibe and everything.

Can you think of anyone you would like to see in any particular role? My friend and I were totally joking around about Zach Efron as Newt and Tom Hardy as Blue Duck (since Frederick Forest was the least American Indian to ever play an American Indian, haha) because we honestly couldn't think of anyone that would fit any of the roles.


Would never watch a remake. There is no replacement for Duvall.


""Would never watch a remake. There is no replacement for Duvall.""

Or Jones or anyone from the original cast!


This is such a masterpiece it would be like trying to re-paint the Mona Lisa or something. Just would not be the same as the original. But... for the sake of entertainment, let's imagine they decide to do a regular 2 hr. movie remake... not sure how they could condense the whole story down but... that would be interesting.

Keep in mind, this would never be done to appeal to the old die hard LD fans... we're too old now. It would be made to appeal to the younger generation who are never going to go watch a 30-year-old mini-series. So keeping in this spirit, here is my potential cast:

Woodrow F. Call - Kurt Russell - As a great dramatic actor, he has the chops to pull it off. This is a larger than life character and it requires a larger than life actor.

Augustus McCrae - Steve Zahn - Purely on the basis of his performance of Gus in Comanche Moon.

Jake Spoon- Leonardo DiCaprio

Claire- Linda Cardellini - also on the strength of her performance in CM and chemistry with Zahn.

Pea-eye Parker- Edward Norton

Jasper- Ryan Gosling

Newt- Jamie Bell

Dish- Matt Damon

Deets- Cuba Gooding Jr.

Blue Duck- Rudy Youngblood

Lorie - Rose McIver

July Johnson - Colin Farrell

Rosco - Giovanni Ribisi


...since Frederick Forest was the least American Indian to ever play an American Indian, haha

Blue Duck was a half breed and Forrest was great. Hi name is spelled "Frederic Forrest" FYI.

One of the best ensemble casts ever. Duvall and Jones were great.

Here is what should be said to anyone who wants to make a remake-


Blue Duck was a half breed and Forrest was great. Hi name is spelled "Frederic Forrest" FYI.

I couldn't buy Forrest in the role. He was good, but not even a little convincing as an Indian.

And by the way, "his" is spelled "his".


Gus- Leonardo Dicaprio

Woodrow F. Call- Tony Danza

Claire- D.J. Tanner

Pea-eye- Urkel

Jasper- that guy from star wars that says "two fighters against a star destroyer"

Newt- Morgan Freeman

Dish- Robin Williams

Deets- Carrot Top

Blue Duck- the dog from air bud

Lorie - Jim Carey

July Johnson - cousin it

Rosco - a bag of hockey pucks


I don't think Hollywood is dumb enough to remake this flawless masterpiece; however,don't get me wrong, Hollywood is still plenty dumb.


The version they already did is perfect, and it's even in color, for all the black-and-white phobes. There is absolutely no good reason to do it again. There aren't actors anymore who could do it nearly as well.
