Vanilla Ice

Why did he hate Vanilla Ice?


Cause Vanilla ICE was a fake...

Once his fakeness became known the whole world turned on ICE... Notice he was a 1 hit wonder?


Vanilla Ice was a 2 hit wonder...Ice Ice Baby and Play That Funky Music. Word to your mother!


He was a three hit wonder after some gangstas beat his @$$ and hung him by his feet over a balcony that year.




What was fake about him? Apart from that story about him getting stabbed and him wearing hammers hand me downs. Aside from that he was just a dude who could rap, wanted to rap and did so...and more succesfully than anyone else. 18 million albums c'mon man that's very good. In the late 80's early 90's, anyone who was a popular rapper was immediatly labled a phony or sellout. I never understood that...he makes good music a lot of people worldwide agree and some talentless dorks who can't even go gold calls him wak? I know who's side i'm on.


Vanilla Ice tried to portray himself as a victim of the system and most people saw through that. Arsenio definitely did, which is why he questioned him the way that he did.






Don't compare Vanilla Ice to the Beastie Boys, that's just wrong! Ice was a fake! BBoys weren't. If Ice would have been himself maybe he would have lasted longer but he lied and said he was hood and people didn't like it.


Paul's Boutique is one of the best album ever (and I'm not that big a fan of hip hop). License to Ill isn't great, but it had a huge single that combined hard rock with rap (a first for radio) and had goofy lyrics with no cursing. Its no mystery that it sold well.


A huge single that combined hard rock with rap (a first for radio).....I think RUN-DMC would beg to differ.



I remember when this happened. Arsenio shouldn't have had him on his show if he had a problem with him. It really made Arsenio look bad. The audience actually booed Arsenio, and that's the first time I remember that happening on his show.

Heres the clip:


Arsenio called Vanilla Ice out as a fake on his show not only because of the discrepincies of his humble beginnings but also because Vanilla Ice in an act of desperation tried to bring out Flavor Flav(whom attended the taping off-camera) moreso out of validation to show how "down" he was with legitimate hip hop artists and Arsenio wasnt buying it.

"A commitment to cinema means to lead a technically deviant lifestyle."


Yeah you're right. It's just that Arsenio clearly didn't like him from the beginning. To me he shouldn't have had Vanilla Ice on his show period if he had a problem with him. Most talk show host that have a problem with someone doesn't have them on their show. It really made Arsenio look bad. When your own audience boos you that's bad. He shouldn't have had Ice on his show period.


True, but you have to remember at the time Arsenio's show was pretty much the ONLY place you would see hot (at the time) performers do their thing. The Tonight Show and David Letterman werent really as diverse with their musical acts. Anyone who was hip or popular generally went on Arsenio Hall which meant ratings for him and exposure for the acts.

"A commitment to cinema means to lead a technically deviant lifestyle."


Arsenio is a racist worm who should never get work again.

America put the "fun" back into "Fundamentalism".


I think Arsenio was friends with Vanilla Ice's rival MC Hammer.




U can't touch this!
