best scene

my favourite is when danny lends lorna his shoes so she can go outside as it is so thoughtful! just wondering what other scenes people really enjoyed?


the scene where Danny tells Lorna the truth and the scene where they're all dancing to Fire and Rain oh and also where Danny takes the hat from Lorna's bedroom


When danny is kissing lorna goodbye and he starts crying...


i like it when danny & lorna are walkin in the woods and then on the beach.
'you said walk not hike!'......'guess this is the end of the rest stop!'.........'must be nicer over there' lol.
and i like it when there singing fire & rain to, danny looks so sweet when him and lorna start dancing! like he holds her dead closeand stuf. awwwww. lol om.

~*~ when worst comes to worst, my girls come 1st! ~*~ cath, cass, lou ~*~


I think the best scene in this film is the "Fire and Rain" scene at the birthday party.



the "Fire and Rain" scene

yep, I'll second that


I would have to agree with you Balehead.. i absolutely love that scene!! When he kisses her and just starts to cry and then quickly runs off.. love it!!

"Although I haven't seen him in more than ten years, I know I'll miss him forever"


I think I'd vote for this scene too.


Where they're all dancing to fire and rain, and at the end when River says goodbye to his family and fire and rain starts to play.


After seeing this film I love 'Fire and Rain' I hear it and always think of River, it's the same with the song 'What have they done to the rain?' from Dogfight.

Love + Peace
Sam x

River will flow through my heart always...
This road will never end...


"Get the bike outta the back" is the best scene.

Whilst I can apprieciate the Fire and Rain scene as a great scene, I don't know how many of you can call it the best. I always just want it to be over, it moves too slow and it's almost cringeworthy watching Danny and Lorna slowdancing.


I love the scene at the end when the father says "take your bike out of the truck. Now get on it". You can see the realization on Danny's face and how happy and sad he is at the same time. I think River is very realistic at crying in this scene. I love the way the truck makes a circle and Fire and Rain comes on and Danny is standing there.


yes the best scene was the end when the family leaves him. its so sad.


My favorite scenes were the birthday party and playing of Fire and Rain, the restaurant scene with Christine Lahti and her father meeting after many years apart(one of the best scenes ever filmed in my opinion), and the end where Judd Hirsch tells River Phoenix that "we all love you, now go out there and make a difference" and Fire and Rain plays again.


I'm so glad you brought up the restaurant scene. The acting from Christine Lahti and Steven Hill in that scene is just incredible. There are so many emotions running through it -- love, anger, resentment, shame, bitterness... it's an incredibly complex scene.

But what gets me most is the moment near the end of the restaurant scene, when Annie gets up to leave and her father's face just breaks (and you can see that he's on the verge of sobbing)... in that moment, my heart just breaks all over the place.

I remember that same year that Roger Ebert singled out Steven Hill as one of the greatest and most underappreciated actors working at the time, and he specifically showed this scene to illustrate why.

Great movie.

I keep thinking I'm a grownup, but I'm not.


Para - fantastic comment.


My favorite is when he takes Lorna out into the woods to explain himself. River was amazing. The way he portrayed how conflicted he was in telling her. He loved her so much he couldn't keep it a secret, but he wanted to protect his family.

Also the end scene. Every time his father says "Go out there and make a difference. Your mother and I tried. And don't let anybody tell you any different." it just speaks to me. it makes me cry every time. Good stuff.


The best scene is the one in the restaurant with Christine Lahti and her dad. The look on his face when she leaves kills me. It's the saddest moment I've ever seen on film.


I agree that the best scene is between Christine Lahti and her father. I cry everytime I see it. One of the most human moments I've ever seen.


Completely agree -- it's so moving and utterly heartbreaking. Lahti and Hill are fantastic in that scene -- it's devastating but worth the price of the entire film. And it directly affects the emotion of the ending for me, too.

I keep thinking I'm a grownup, but I'm not.


Defintely the Fire and Rain dancing scene. And the ending is great too. The scene with Christine Lahti and her dad really leaves me sad. Great Movie


The birthday scene with them dancing to 'Fire and Rain'.
The scene with the mother and her father in the restaurant - so sad. I definitely agree with those!
I also like the scene where Danny is playing piano and his mother comes in and joins him at the piano. I like that scene - it was sweet.

"You can't say you're breezy...that totally negates the breezy!"


Alot of scenes.......

I loved the birthday scene with Fire and Rain. It was sweet, and showed that the family could actually be simple and fun and loving.

When Danny leads Lorna out to the woods and tells her the truth. He has got the best that boy to death.....

When Lorna picks up the shell and Danny is standing right in front of her and they show that side view.

The one with Christine Lahti and the father in the sad!!

The ending, when Danny leaves the family and when he leave Lorna.

And for funniess, I absolutely LOVE that part where Danny grabs the hat, and then grabs the blown up guitar and says "Guitar is my liiiife!" and then he pretends to jam- LOL TOO HILARIOUS!!! sounds like something River would do hehe.


I really like when Danny and Loren head off to the woods after the birthday party and they start kissing. So romantic! And where Danny Takes Loren out her class to say goodbye. That scene was a tearjerker. Also at the very end where his parents tell him to go off in his own. The whole movie is great!!!


This isn't the best scene, but it's still a good one and it hasn't been mentioned yet. When Danny delivered the pizza to his grandmother's house just so he could see her. Wonderful acting by River Phoenix in that scene. And I loved when the grandmother asked if he had to pay for the pizza and he was like "No...I have to eat it." or something like that


This film is filled with many great and unforgettable moments as all these comments suggest. So many that it's very difficult to hold up one in particular as the best. River had a tenderness that just radiates on screen and rings so true in every scene. There's a moment when he spontaneously hugs his mother (Lahti) after her argument with Carson that would be such an ordinary scene with anyone else, but with River, is lent a poingant and emotional impact that almost defies explanation. A similar moment occurs when his father (Hirsch) arrives home drunk and upset and collapses on the floor. The scenes in which he cries (parting first from Plimpton and then his family), are uniquely moving and in my opinion beyond the means of almost any other actor - past or present. There's very little facial movement - maybe just a quiver across the mouth, a sadness in the eyes and the most believable tears I've ever seen on film. All this plus many great moments from the rest of the cast make this movie a real treasure.


I saw the film for the first time on Sunday and I loved it! I've been a fan of River for years and I finally bought ROE on DVD and I'm so glad I did.
River was so great in this film and the last scene where his family leave had me in tears, it wasn't the dialogue or anything, it was just the emotion in River's face, I agree with the person above me, it was the most real, believable tears I've ever seen in film and TV, I always thought his crying scene in Stand by me was an amazing performance, but I was even more impressed with this film. I also liked the Birthday party scene and when he plays the piano, he was so talented, I loved the scene where he's in her bedroom with the inflatable guitar. Actually I loved the whole film.

Love + Peace
Sammy x

River will flow through my heart always...
This road will never end...



Definitely the ending when Judd Hirsch tells him to take the bike off the truck. Sicne they played "Fire and Rain", why didn't they just call the movie that instead of the Jackson Browne song "Running on Empty" which doesnt appear in this movie at all. Just a thought.

"He'll bring them death...and they'll love him for it!"
