MovieChat Forums > Il nido del ragno (1988) Discussion > It's tragic that this film is only avail...

It's tragic that this film is only available in scuffed quality.

I was considering rewatching it but nearly puked when I saw the picture quality I would have to endure again. I'm spoilt with all these glorious 4K releases, poor VHS-tier stuff is almost unwatchable for me now.

This really needs a restoration and new home media release. It's a great little film.


I haven’t seen this yet but it does sound interesting. I see it was released on DVD at some point, so are all the streaming options VHS transfers?

Added to my watch list.


I'm only seen it available in VHS quality.

I think the DVD, if it even exists, is a VHS upscale. If not then someone better get it and upload it online!!!

As for streaming options, I doubt you'd find this thing on any of the big streaming sites. It's a very obscure film.

It's like someone took those quirkier 70s-80s Argento films (Suspiria, Inferno, Phenomena) and mixed it with what I call Horror-Noir (The Ninth Gate, Angel Heart, Lord of Illusions and John Carpenter's Cigarette Burns).

As someone who likes both those sorts of films, this film was right up my alley. It's great.

I wish it would get a proper release but I doubt it'll ever happen.
