Did it SHOCK you?

On several levels rather than generally with - Oh my God, women attacking and in this instance KILLING, mostly if not ONLY, INNOCENT men and for reasons that have nothing to do with justice or justifiable circumstances etc?

Altogether now - SHUDDER!!!

But as a film, what do we think of it, did we like it, and yeah, its on YouTube.

P.S. Absolutely NO OFFENSE TO ANYONE. But in the name of so much as a MODICUM of ORIGINALITY, let alone GOD or anything religious, can we discuss what goes on here strictly on its OWN terms without the abundant overuse of "reverse the genders" or "If a man/male did this..." (even if the female villains may ALSO happen by sheer coincidence to be attractive and in a "beautiful female VILLAIN movie TROPE sort of way") regardless of whether you are simply USED to it by TRADITION, or you know the de-facto typical and harsh REALITY or you can't help it or such a potential comparison just doesn't escape your mind, never mind if you are American, European, Asian or your gender or anything. CHEERS. :)
