MovieChat Forums > The Great Outdoors (1988) Discussion > Why'd they stick a teenage love story be...

Why'd they stick a teenage love story between the lines?

What was the point of the teenage romance in this film? It has zero to do with the plot and is completely stupid. I really enjoyed this movie, but I always want to fastforward thru the "Buck loves Cammie" parts. Yeah, I guess they'd be cute in there own movie(maybe), but they just don't fit here. It pointlessly slows the story down.


It is a relief to know you guys echoe my thoughts on this subject! I saw this movie in the theater and from that viewing through every subsequent television and dvd viewing I have always said if I were the director I would have edited that subplot out completely. If you watch the trailers you see bits of scenes and lines that were cut from the final version. Personally, I would have loved to have seen these scenes and then some instead. More comedic moments between Akroyd and Candy as well as other funny vacation mishaps would have fit nicely into the film in exchange for a lame teenage love story with awful music attached that slows the pacing and adds nothing to the film. Or, even if for some unknown reason they considered this subplot crucial and could not part with it, the final cut was still only 90 minutes so why not leave more intact and merely add to the length? Given the tragic loss of John Candy and the fact the twentieth anniversary is here, I wish they would put together an extended edition dvd with a commentary by Akroyd and the director, but in all likelihood that is just a pipe dream of mine...


Those scenes are absolutely unwatchable. The kid who plays Buck has one of the most painful deliveries I have ever heard. Terrible writing, too.

When I think about this movie, I think of how great Akroyd and Candy are together. It's a cool little movie that I remember fondly. I usually put the love story out of my mind and am only reminded of it when watching it or when reading IMDb threads about it.


I don't know why they stuck the teenage love story in there. It was pretty much a dry subplot to me. Sure the girl was cute and everything but for me the movie was about a guy and his family taking a vacation to the north woods, and the primary focus was around John Candy and Dan Akroyd being funny together. Sure they had a break away with Chet and Ben at the bear dump and everything but that was pretty funny to. But with the whole teenage love part wasn't funny, if anything it took away from funny parts when it hit the boring love story parts.


I agree with that too.


First of all, pretty much every movie has at least one subplot that isn't really part of the major plot. That's why it's called a subplot. How many movies do you know of that just have the main plot and that's it?

Also, just because it's a comedy doesn't mean that every subplot has to be funny. This subplot wasn't meant to be funny. It's like the opposite of comic relief in a sense.

Finally, the overriding theme of the movie is centered around Chet's desire to have a traditional family vacation where he can spend some quality time with his wife and kids before the kids grow up, much like his dad did with him. He's a traditional father. There are two things that are standing in his way, and the movie progesses with Chet trying to work through these two issues. The first one is Roman and his family arriving and disrupting everything. The second is Buck, who is old enough to want to go off and do his own thing, meet girls, and not spend the entire vacation with his family. Even though Chet understands this, it's still difficult for him, and this goes along with the overriding theme of the movie.

Therefore, the teen romance subplot really is important to the overriding theme of the movie.


I can agree to that, though I still think it was a pretty lame thing to stick in the movie. I mean who honestly thinks there gonna get a meaningful and long lasting relationship in a place your just gonna be at for a few days? But other then that I though the movie was very funny. It's one of my favorites with John Candy along with Uncle Buck and Whose Harry Crumb


Because she had great legs.



he is the king of sappy 80's teen movies.


It has everything with the plot.

chet goes there because he has found memories of the place because of his honeymoon and memories with similar places with his dad. Now the son has his first special memories of his own.

Fit just perfectly. I have seen this movie so many times but never get tired of it. Best scene still is that amazing looking boat.



that same love balad song that would cue every damn time, god it was cheese. Stupid sub-plot, *beep* actors, and what was with her hat?

I knew that whenever I got there he'd be there. Then I woke up.



It wasn't my favorite part of the movie by any means, but I did think it fit well into the movie. As the mom of 3 sons - 2 who are teens - I know how distracting a teenage romance would be during a family vacation when good old dad is trying to have some quality family time! It thought the scene at the restaurant when the dad was trying to eat the old 96er and the kid kept checking his watch) was quite realistic. Same with when Chet was buying hot dogs and the kid couldn't wait to get away to chase the girl. It can be hard to create family vacation memories when they just want to go off and meet other kids. I think in the end Chet was successful, because they would never forget that particular summer!


Haha xD yeah.

I can hear that damn music right now in my head.


Mischief. Mayhem. Soap.


It's a good movie but two things hurt this movie

1 Like The Op said
The crappy teenage love story

2 The talking animals


The original poster is right on.

I thought the same things and was about to post it. The last couple of times I watched it I fast forward through the dumb Buck and Cammie parts.

It's not funny. It's not intriguing. The characters aren't likable. Buck is a dirt bag. They should at least have him doing something that gives her a reason to give him a second thought. Plus, at the end they break up. I understand that they couldn't stay together, but it just makes the whole thing pointless. But I digress.

I hate the Buck and Cammie parts and I always fast forward through them.

Great Outdoors is a good movie. While it is cheesy at parts, it reminds me of when I was a kid and watched it, it reminds me of the outdoors which I love, I get some good, clean laughs out of it, and even though some might think of it as a dumb family movie, I like it. Except for the Buck romance parts.

