MovieChat Forums > For Keeps? (1988) Discussion > are all guys like stan, in real life

are all guys like stan, in real life

well i dont mean all guys, but is there a chance that there is a guy who has a similar personality as stan- like him caring for her that much and loving her. and someone who would go work that much a day just to get money for them, and all the other awesome type of personality he has???

wat do u think??? 1m 17 who hasnt ever had a boyfriend yet and dont have that many guy friends, so yea im curious...

so yea the question that is bieng asked is this- whats the differnce in between guys today and stan??


Yes. I married a "Stan". We met in high school, he went to college in town, I moved across the country with my family. Moved back to be with him, got married at 19, dealt with big life changing events and several long separations (Army), fell on our faces financially a few times, had a couple of kids and are still married 10 years later.

You just have to look for the right type of person.

Oh and he's the best father I've ever met. And for a couple of kids with really jacked up father's as influences, I think my kids are really blessed.



Stan is a jerk and an idiot.

1. He fails to use a condom and gets his girlfriend pregnant shortly before they are going off to college. What a way to a big burden on three people.

2. Rather than reason with his father, he shouts at him and assaults him.

3. He tried to steal is father's mattress.

4. He walks around topless and drinks beer in his mother in law's house.

5. His daughter needed tending while he was extremely hungover.

6. He threw away a scholarship to Cal Tech without discussing it with his wife or even thinking about for too long for that matter.

7. He put his pride in front of his daughters nutritional and psychological needs.

8. He was loud and disrespectful when he was making a lot of noise in bed.

9. He got himself thrown in jail by acting like a drunk idiot.

10. Apparently they have no money to pay bills, but he has enough to go out and drink at bars.

Stan is no prize.


My High School sweetheart was a lot like Stan personality-wise. A very caring person, loving, willing to do what was necessary, and would have never shrug off his responsibilities. I didn't marry him, but I still hear from him every once in a while, and he is still that kind of guy. Now, my husband is the most caring guy in the world. He is a lot like Stan, too.
Yes, there are guys like Stan -- even better -- out there. The thing is that at that age girls are mainly looking for a guy with good looks, athletic, that has a car... if we were less shallow at that age, we would notice the guys that are really great.



1. He fails to use a condom and gets his girlfriend pregnant shortly before they are going off to college. What a way to a big burden on three people.

To be fair, Darcy also forgot to take the Pill, therefore the blame lies on both of them.


Stan is a jerk and an idiot.

1. He fails to use a condom and gets his girlfriend pregnant shortly before they are going off to college. What a way to a big burden on three people.

2. Rather than reason with his father, he shouts at him and assaults him.

3. He tried to steal is father's mattress.

4. He walks around topless and drinks beer in his mother in law's house.

5. His daughter needed tending while he was extremely hungover.

6. He threw away a scholarship to Cal Tech without discussing it with his wife or even thinking about for too long for that matter.

7. He put his pride in front of his daughters nutritional and psychological needs.

8. He was loud and disrespectful when he was making a lot of noise in bed.

9. He got himself thrown in jail by acting like a drunk idiot.

10. Apparently they have no money to pay bills, but he has enough to go out and drink at bars.

Stan is no prize.

While the things you listed above certainly make Stan flawed, he's still someone that the audience can sympathize with and like.

Contrary to what you've written, there are many things about Stan that indeed make him "a prize." To quote Laurie Krauth, writer of the article "'For Keeps' An Unrealistic Vision of Teen Pregnancy":

"STAN is everything an adolescent girl could want: adorable, thoroughly smitten ('I think about life without Darcy and I can't breathe'), willing to sacrifice a ticket to his dream college for love, thrilled to marry Darcy and raise a child with her, calm when her water breaks, tender and capable with the new baby."


guys aren't men anymore. You have guys that are Stan's age (17-19) that refuse to work. They rely on their parents or the system to feed them. Also, men are confused and delusional today. Women are demanding and selfish, but that shouldn't excuse a man from being a man. Men aren't like Stan, and women aren't like Darcy. Great movie btw, grew up watching it.

In my opinion, our system and parents seem to have failed us, and its up to good ole American know-how to fix it, if it still exists.


guys aren't men anymore.

That statement you made, amaster88, reminds me of a line that Corey said to her friend Lloyd Dobler in the film Say Anything:

"No. The world is full of guys. Be a man. Don't be a guy."


lol, I remember that movie and that line


Men aren't like Stan, and women aren't like Darcy.

I know what you mean when you say "Men aren't like Stan" (that men aren't supportive, sweet, sensitive, loving, responsible, paternal, and hardworking), but what do you mean when you say "Women aren't like Darcy"? Do you mean to say that women, unlike Darcy, are not hardworking, resilient, responsible, maternal, confident, studious, and smart?





I have never had a baby but, I did spend 18 months in a wheelchair due to an accident and my husband treated me beautifully. he was always cheerful, always willing to help even the days I was screaming at him from being in so much pain.

you ask the difference, men back then were raised with different morals and values.

Earn easy money!


men back then were raised with different morals and values. were women. So if a woman asked, "why did men change"....look in the mirror.
